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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by KazB »

I have mixed opinions about this.

Performers have a moral obligation to safeguard their fellow performers health as well as their own, so I'm absolutely appalled to hear that tests might be faked by some performer/s, and if it were possible to prove that a performer faked their certs whilst knowingly having an std then there is no way they should ever be allowed onto a porn set again!

However as there is no reliable method of proving this without a blood signed confession written under duress, then it's unlikely that the guilty parties will be found out and accordingly treated. Furthermore it allows too much scope for pettyness and false accusations fuelled by personal issues or even just chinese whilspers.

I've had a bad experience myself so know only too well how fickle people can be and how mindless gossip can have such a negative impact. I had an incident in which a fellow performer told me she had caught gonorrhoa a few days after I worked with her. So I went and got treated and tested and of course contacted everyone I knew who I had worked with - which wasn't difficult as the only porn work I had done at the time other than solo was for one specific company. I didn't have everyone's contacts so called the company and said "I've told these people, can you tell these ones for me as I don't have their details" and was assured this was done asap.

Unfortunately a little over 6 weeks later I picked the same thing up again from the same place and I heard various rumours and accusations flying around, which I had little time for. However I received a call from the company expressing that they were 'concerned' about my 'incident rate' in those 6 weeks. They were perfectly reasonable and understanding however when I explained however that I had only performed for their company alone during that time and (without wanting to sound like Bill Clinton) at the time had no other sexual relations with anyone else other than my regular partner.
I thought that was the end of the incident but then I started to notice strange reactions from the other performers - often very negative and I wondered at first if I was imagining it, but it persisted and grew increasingly worse. People who I had thought friends seemed cold and even at times hostile.

I even had one of the directors phone me when I had a spot pop up on my labia (yes I had it checked before I worked and on the health advisors at Charring Cross Hospital assured me that it was merely a blocked sebaceous gland). But if anyone was concerned - why tell the director or anyone else for that matter?? Why not simply say "Kaz what's that - have you had it checked out?" if they were concerned...not work with me, fail to voice any concerns (when I could have put their minds to rest) and then spread false allegations afterwards :S

Thank God one of them (bless her she'll know who she is) had the balls to ask me to my face if I had an std as she had heard that from someone else who had told her not to work with me. I showed her my cert and also offered to give her permission to get in touch with my gum clinic in Charring Cross if she so wished.

It seems my honesty had been used to condemn me (not that I'd ever be any other way) and if it hadn't been for that girl being upfront and giving me the opportunity to confront the others then I wouldn't have had the chance to dispel the lies.

I agree with whoever said we should have an online system where you can check everyones tests.

Personally I think the biggest cause of std's spreading in the industry is DISHONESTY!

Yes I agree that bareback escorting is dangerous and selfish and anyone doing so should have a re-think about what they are doing! However, I don't believe escorting is to blame for this. If this was the case then humanity would either cease to exist or would be riddled with life threatening diseases seeing that prostitution is one of our civilisations oldest trades next to farming!

Unfortunately it seems some performers are unable to be upfront and disclose the truth when they have caught something. They feign illness or disappear for a while until they are clear - failing to inform those they have worked with of the truth - therefore ensuring the spread of whichever nasty sti is going around at the time!

There needs to be less of a stigma attached to sti's. Ok so you're in the fucking trade - at some point you're likely to contract an sti - deal with it for godsake and tell everyone whom you've worked with if it happens! If we all have to keep taking antibiotics then the strains will grow more resistant, and our immune systems more battered until the situation gets even more serious. Poor Karlie's posts reflect that - I wish everyone could be that open with each other.

I'm all for a system by which we can keep our certs on record and I'd be prepared to put money in towards it. However I'm not interested in gossip, hearsay or rumour. If I think someone I work with has an sti I will ask them!! But just as importantly, allowing yourself to be subjected to chinese whispers or allowing gossip to prosper is never going to have a positive effect on the industry.

Please lets be a bit more considerate towards each other.

Sorry for the long rant but I needed to get it out of my system!


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Snake Diamond
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Snake Diamond »

porngirlsxrated wrote:

> Hi Sam
> You are correct there is a business relationship between JayK
> and the Webmaster that has been HIRED to run Michelle B?s site
> But the point JayK made was that the Webmaster has no legal
> authority over Michelle B?s site, he has just been HIRED to run
> it
> The Webmaster is not to blame and JayK stepped in to end the
> false allegations (based on no facts) that were being levelled
> at the Webmaster
> The Webmaster concerned is a very well respected figure within
> the industry who does not deserve to have his hard earned long
> standing reputation (and business) damaged by gossip/rumour
> I?m definitely not blaming Michelle B, but by blaming the
> Webmaster you?re barking up the wrong tree

I totally agree with you about the blame not being the Webmaster, I read the forum/topic/threads involved, on this & the other sites, it was purely a case of mistaken interpretation, those who were saying it was the webdesigner/webmaster. If Michelle said she was NOT naming names, if it was the webdesigner/master, why would she leave the details in her profile as to who they thought it was, obviously she wouldn't, people made a mistake.

This is the problem when it comes to information, little tit-bits of information, instead of the whole story, are HIGHLY Dangerous.

Snake Diamond,
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Snake Diamond
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Snake Diamond »

Hiyas Cenobitez.

From reading all the posts todate, on this thread, as well as over 1/2 dozen more on a similar theme here on BGAFD, as well as 2 other forum sites, I think the idea behind this type of situation is good. However, after reading all the information given so far, this specific idea needs to be 180'ed. Instead of a Name & Shame site, how about a site that ALL members of the Industry can use, the Performers list their certs, with details of when, where, what company, who signed, when they weren't able to work, for whatever reason, etc. That I believe could be a better type of site to help, instead of causing so much hassle, as I have seen in the last 4 days of these type threads so far.

Cenobitez wrote:

> Some of the industries concern are.
> What proof of said act / sti / whatever is required to post ?
> No a link to adult work that lists bareback aint enough because
> half the girls who say they offer it, usually only list it to
> snag the guys into paying for their images, but don't actually
> provide it, so what proof will there be ?
> Will this written down, signed and witnessed ?
> What checks will be made into the validity of the posts ?
> What checks will be made into the identity of its members ?
> Will there be liability insurance for slanderous, defamatory
> and libelious posts, that result in loss of careers and revenue
> ?
> Who polices the police? As in who does this site answer too ?
> Provide accurate and concise answers and people may listen.
> Yes such a service may be useful but hot potato it certainly
> isnt, its more like a molten ball of lava erupting law suits,
> with the potential for such a huge abuse its beyond belief.

Snake Diamond,
Fangs that bite!
Snake Diamond
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Snake Diamond »

Here Here...

Snake Diamond,
Fangs that bite!
Snake Diamond
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Snake Diamond »

Hiyas Kaz.

I agree with everything you said. I feel that, from what has been said on here of late, we NEED a site/system like you, & others, have described.

A couple of years ago, there was talk of BAIHA, why did that not develop/continue any further? From my understanding, that site was something along the lines of what every1 here has been talking/ranting/discussing of late.

Snake Diamond,
Fangs that bite!
Mr Mark
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Mr Mark »

Kaz - that took bottle. Extremely well said, and huge respect for saying it.

SD - now that's a great idea, and something that wouldn't be that hard to get developed. Definately a better (and less libellous) route to go than naming and shaming.

Mr Mark, British Porn Videos on Demand
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Sam Slater
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Sam Slater »


what are you on about?

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Mr Mark
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Mr Mark »

To quote SD:

"Instead of a Name & Shame site, how about a site that ALL members of the Industry can use, the Performers list their certs, with details of when, where, what company, who signed, when they weren't able to work, for whatever reason, etc. That I believe could be a better type of site to help, instead of causing so much hassle, as I have seen in the last 4 days of these type threads so far."

Mr Mark, British Porn Videos on Demand
[url]http://www.britpornvideos.com[/url] or follow @britpornvideos on Twitter
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by myson »

I agree with you Snake that a site of this type would (should or could) work much better than a "name and shame" site.

But let's take it a step further. This might not work as it would involve the ENTIRE industry (producers and performers, etc) getting behind it 100% but it doesn't hurt making a suggestion.

Go back to the BAIHA idea and have an industrywide trade association. This association might then possibly have enough clout to talk directly to the NHS about having ALL NHS GUM clinics offering tests and certificates (not some do, most don't as is how it is at the moment), it might even be worth paying a bit extra for this service.

But let's take it even further.

In addition to the GUM clinic providing the performer with his/her STI certificate, they would send an electronic copy straight to the performers profile on said website so no performer could fake a copy.
Of course, that would mean getting over the "patient confidentiality" bit but it's an idea possibly worth consideration.

Of course, such a website could not be publicly accessable but it would mean that, if anyone was an adult performer, they would have to have a profile on this website to get any work with the professional producers/production companies. No profile, no work.

There may well be other pros and cons I haven't thought about but having read all the threads about this (and this is my first response) it must be better for people to throw ideas in the ring than nobody doing anything.

It does seem to be pretty much agreed that doing nothing is not an option, it's just a case of what to do.

Well, that's my 2 penn'orth.


Kaz, good for you babe, well done !thumbsup! !queen!

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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Cenobitez »

It would take hours to setup and VERY easily done, would only really need a forum install for that.

Would have more cred if it was 100% totally open to anyone.

It is said that both love and truth walk hand in hand. But if the need is great enough, can we learn to love a lie?