who are you to judge?

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Sam Slater
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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by Sam Slater »

Doh! forgot my [ / b ]!

Edit edit edit!

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by Ace »

Unfortunately, you are rising to the bait my dear. As previously suggested, just ignore this nosher. He's a thrill seeker who is having a good time at your expense knowing you are irritated enough to post here.
Ignore him, he'll get bored and move on.

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I've met the man on the street............and he's a cunt
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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by MarkFreeman »

Sam Slater wrote:

> You mention that you want photographers to shoot you for free
> 'and' you want the copyright? Seems a bit far fetched
> that a photographer would pay their travel, studio time and use
> their own equipment only to give you full copyright of
> their hard work & expertise. Most photographers who do
> pics for time just want the practice, or images to build their
> own portfolio where they'll give you persmission to use on your
> portfolio too. That seems fair.
> I certainly wouldn't pay thousands in equipment, spend years
> perfecting the art and then give the photographs and copyright
> to someone else just to save paying a model. Why am I telling
> you this? Well any photographer that's willing to shoot you for
> free and then give you all copyright to his/her work isn't
> shooting you for professional reasons in my view. Maybe they're
> just shooting you for their own personal sexual kicks?
> All I'm saying is beware of the photographer that will give up
> so much just to do a shoot, when he can do tfp with others and
> keep his work for himself so easily. He may be being overly
> generous for a reason.
> Take care.

the reason i do this for free is cause i have been designing sites for over 8 months for free (they are super easy for me to do and it keeps me on top of my game in site design) and started my photograpghy to help out a mate, while i am gaining experience i am offering free shoots and 99% of the copyright is cool cause you only want to have a few pics of each person (or each shoot if u are the model) in your portfolio, therefore what is the point of sharing copyright on the rest one of you might aswell us get something from all the other shoots i have the pics i need, and i understand that i do not have a lot of experience and currently until i do i am just looking to slowly gain the expereince in my free time, whilst i still work full time as a website designer. I have also listerned to every horror story imaginable whilst working with over 100 models designing sites for them, so i decided to talyor make my offer so that it avoided all those pit falls so that it benfited the models the most until i am ready to talk it up as a fun time occupation. I know my offer is extremely hard to believe but i do not see the point it charging or not havin the models best intrests at heart until i take it up as a full time job. I am really sorry for Lady_A me doing this free stuff tends to rub people up the wrong way and they tend to lash out usually at me but this time it appears they choose her instead probably not man enough to have a go at a bloke. I do hope lady_a chooses to work for me cause at both stages of our carrer i think we could benfit each others work, as for sexual kicks that is not the case at all i work with all stlyes of models an really do not mind if they model winter coats or wear nothing it is up to them both shoots would benfit my porfolio so i do not see the difference.
Mark Freeaman
Webdesigner and Photographer (offering free porfolio websites and photoshoots)
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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by androm17 »

I?d agree with Sam that a photographer would not normally do a shoot for free under the terms and conditions stated. I would not! Mark it?s nice that you offer your services for free but where are you shooting? If it?s in a Pro studio then (although not thousands of pounds) it?s a good ?200+ for studio hire, photographer time, model travel cost, ECT. It?s certainly something I can?t afford to do without some payback for my site. If you can afford it then good for you! Content shares are ok. I have done them but I offer a reduced industry rate and the model still has to sign a release.
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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by MarkFreeman »

hi i shoot in my house or on a locations, or at a location of the models choosing (if this cost money so be it but it is up to her to pay it), well the way i do it is the person traveling pays for themselves, this does mean i am only willing to travel so far of course, so it tend to cost me nothing more than a bit of petrol maybe, this is what i do not understand if it is not costing me anything why should i charge? I intend to charge in the future or pay models but for the time being am happy just to do it on the side and not make any money out of it. Hope that explains it a bit better.
Mark Freeaman
Webdesigner and Photographer (offering free porfolio websites and photoshoots)
Sam Slater
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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by Sam Slater »

Hey Mark,

I wasn't having a go at you in any way. Just telling Lady_A to be careful. You know, in life people don't usually do something for free unless there's a catch or ulterior motive.

As for tfp, they're normal. Photographer and model get together for experience and photo's for there portfolio (or just self critique). You're very generous of giving away the copyright though. The pics you've given away may be good enough to sell on or put up on a pay site, and you won't get a penny if you hand over the copyright. A ore sensible option would be for you to keep the copyright but let the models use the pics for promotional purposes only. This is the usual agreement.

Again, I didn't even know you offered this generous service, so I couldn't have 'had a go' even if I wanted. I was just making sure Lady_A was being vigilant.

Nothing personal on you.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by NeilUK »

Did anyone else notice the email address this cretin put in Lady_A's contact box? He has no shame, and needs to be ignored

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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by MarkFreeman »

hey i totally agree, i design free site, have been doing so for over a year and started well before i took up photography, and have heard all the horror stories, and that is what my offer is based around the opposite of them, if they want to use them for a pay site so be it, if they make an absolute shed load of money i trust that they will send me a film (non porn prefrably, am a massive film buff) or some other cheapish gift throught the post, as i will have helped them, but i never expect anything in return, i do all this for good karma, which is always handy. To be fair as a full time web designer i am in no real need for extra cash so untill way off in the future when i might take this up full time, i will be happy doing it for free.
Mark Freeaman
Webdesigner and Photographer (offering free porfolio websites and photoshoots)
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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by MarkFreeman »

sam i would also like to add i was not saying u where having a go i was more talking about the arsehole who sent her ther abuse. Sorry if it seemed like i was talking about you i was more answering your legitmate questions and slaging of that bastard, sorry if thats not what it sounded like.
Mark Freeaman
Webdesigner and Photographer (offering free porfolio websites and photoshoots)
Sam Slater
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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by Sam Slater »

No problem Mark,

I'm sorry if it looked like I was sceptical of your generosity. I applaud you in doing something nice for the girls.

Out of interest, have you any links to websites you've done for models? I've been asked to build one for a new girl and I'm looking for ideas (not copying mind!)

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]