Opeen access to televisionx newsgroup

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Opeen access to televisionx newsgroup

Post by JHseeker »

I have seen a few people comment that they can't access the televisionx newsgroup or they can't see any attachments. My provider doesn't carry it either but I can access as usual (plus) many other groups by using newscache1.freenet.de Add it to your news accounts in Outlook express and you will get in no probs. They don't strip out the attachments either which many providers have started doing to that NG. Bit slow and you can only read - no posting but will serve it's purpose for some of you.

These free servers don't always last. Sometimes they lock out after a week or so but I've been using it for a week now.

Finally, the above info isn't ground breaking but hopefully it will help out somebody who just happens to have some Jenny Hall pics (early eighties, Top shelf, Playbirds, Razzle (?)etc) then I might stop being a pest in this Forum asking the same question!!!! :-)

If anyone can tell me what mags and issues she was in I will track them down myself. Then I will shut up ;-)

Re: Opeen access to televisionx newsgroup

Post by JHseeker »

And no wisecracks about my oriental spelling of "open". You try eating chips and typing.

Re: Opeen access to televisionx newsgroup

Post by Izzit »

news.btinternet.com seems to be O.K. Thanks Alec for the Rebekah photos.


Re: Opeen access to televisionx newsgroup

Post by alec »

Glad someone got them.