Just can't enjoy her pics at all. Knowing what an uncomfortable, naive, ignorant girl she was takes all the fun out of it.
On a related subject (in the words of the almighty Hannibal) I've sent another email off to Principal putting some direct points to them about the documentary (yes, I'm still doing this thing) - god knows if they'll bother responding but if they don't I think it would say a lot.
I'll put the email I'm sending up on my site later tonight. (Click on 'action' for all the info)
I've just seen 'Ben Dover is the booty bandit' The scene with Leanna has her crying tears in a particular segment. She says they are tears of happiness. The context was her deep throating someone while I think she was having anal sex with another. (she says that she was an anal virgin). I thought she had trouble with the deep throating (she was gagging) and she spills some fluid from her mouth while taking a breather. But the scene before and after this was okay I thought (wow , some spanking going on).
Layla~Jade came over as professional and ready for anything (she looks good too), she was with Emma who looks a little naive but slowly got into the scene with Layla.
I just watched this, too. Great movie. Lee-Anne does dpp, (alleged) first time anal, and then a dp. Takes facials from
three men. Can you tell me which English films are her best?
Also, in her Mike Hott video, she claims she drank piss on camera
for a film. Any idea which one? As Felicity, I definitely
recommend Wax that Ass, Mike Hott, and, if you are not squeamish
Rough Sex 2. RS2 was supposedly discontinued and is definitely
not for everyone. Can be pretty brutal.