A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

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Joe A
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Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Post by Joe A »


Are you questioning the shut down suggestion ? If so I suggest that you first read about what happened in the States last year over the HIV situation. The industry there is worth billions and they managed a shut down during June 2004. Some companies even went over to producing condom h/c. Therefore with the industry here being much smaller.. It is possible to do the same.

Do you have an idea how to stop the speading of the std, as you are so involved in the industry yourself you must have one ? You as just a small part timer are one of those who could be suspect of passing it on. It is the part timers who are not really known who are a danger as well as the models who do the discrete work. The UK industry is close and nearly everyone knows everyone else.. Who are you ? Think about that. You have only recently appeared ! I know who you are and I know that you are a trouble maker from my own experience. If you want to go on with that last comment, do not do it here. You have my email address. I just thought I'd let you know I've found out a little more about you :)

Angel Long
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Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Post by Angel Long »

I think all this is getting out of hand, Guys want to watch porn and enjoy it, I want to do porn and enjoy it...that is the bottom line....you know the risks,
All the things you may or may not catch is a risk you take to do wot your job is ...to make guys wanna get horny...I love making guys horny and want them all to wank over me so I fuck on camera and I take all the percautions I can.
I just hope that any one that catches any thing lets the people know who they have worked with so they can go get tested.

My official personal site owned and ran by me ..... Angel Long
Joe A
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Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Post by Joe A »

Chadi my post said email me and not to reply.. Why did you do that. I hope the admin will delete your comments.

My statement said that part timers are a possible risk, which you are one. You were not personally accused. Those most likely at risk are the part timers and models who do discrete work outside the studio.

I will say it again.. If you have anything to say, email me privately !!

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Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Post by jamesr »

The final word to you Tequila has to be that you are on your own. You know the risks & you choose to work in this industry. In so doing you adopt admirable efforts to take precautions against infection. Expecting everyone else to be as safe & responsible as you are however is unrealistic. Sad but true. Keep up your good work.

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Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Post by Andy74 »

JoeA, a shut down would not solve anything, the problem would still be there after the shut down, this is STD's being talked about and not Aids as in the U.S. that you refer to, different matter entirely.

I also think you've been very unfair to Chadi, why should his comments be deleted when all he did was defend himself.
Bob Singleton
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Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Post by Bob Singleton »

I have to say I'm appalled at the attitudes of some here.

There have been posts where people have put forward reasonable ideas and these are being shouted down along the lines of "I've been working in this industry longer than you have so I know best!" That's a totaly facile argument.

I think Joe A is right in suggesting a 30 day shut down, and let's all be thankful it's "only" an STD problem and nothing worse.

The UK porn industry will probably never be like the US where many girls make as much if not more money from personal appearences at strip clubs, so I can understand why so many here supplement their income by escorting. I've nothing against that *if* it's done safely.

There is greater risk, however, from those who take part in the gangbang/bukkake style parties and I think those who continue to participate at these events should be blacklisted as they pose a risk to the industry.

My own lapdance/stag events can get raunchy, but I always ensure that, when required, condoms are worn. One girl at the last party didn't wear one when required and she'll not be booked by me again because of the safety risks.

It may be worth remembering that, just like a car's MOT, STD/HIV certs are only really "valid" on the day the test was taken. The following day you could catch something off someone and still be "OK" to work because your certs are only a few days old.

That's why Joe A's suggestion must be implemented immediately. After a 30 day shut down everyone should know the state of their health and be able to start again with a clean slate.

I'm sure there'll still be solo work available you can do. And if not, well... what would you prefer; being short of cash for a month or catching a disease which can harm others as well as yourself?

As for the logbook... how difficult is it to carry around a small notebook and pen and jot down who you worked with and when? If all performers and producers did this it would help in containing future out-breaks. Anyone who says it's unworkable is just playing into the hands of those performers and/or producers who don't give a damn... the very people who are most likely to be at risk and pass on that risk to others! If you can't be bothered to do something as simple as note down who you worked with today, you shouldn't be in the industry!

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

- Stewart Lee
Joe A
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Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Post by Joe A »

As for the 4 week shut down..It gives those who have a problem time to be 100% clear and those who think they might be infected have the time get tested and recover.. No films made.. no std's passed on... If anyone passes an std on after the break.. Then it would be more obvious how it started again, as people will be more aware. Females won't think they might have cystitis and so go for a check up sooner.

The biggest problem as I mentioned earlier was chlamydia in the past. There were only the odd specific tests for this. An ex caught it from the b/f after me and suffered for 3 years without knowing she had it. If someone thinks they have a prob they should get it seen to asap and cancel any bookings till then.

[Edited by Mod]