A question for the togs and producers...

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A question for the togs and producers...

Post by Tequila_Woods »

Iv been thinking of going brunette for about a year now but never have because i thought it might affect my work. Obviously alot fo the time i get booked for the blonde hair big boobs combo.

What do you all think? Yay or Nay?

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Re: A question for the togs and producers...

Post by tas »

I really don't think it will matter.

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Re: A question for the togs and producers...

Post by Jayr »

What ever you decide Tequila the fans will love it!
Phil mCc
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Re: A question for the togs and producers...

Post by Phil mCc »

I was thinking the same thing, my barber is always suggesting a change and as she has very big tits I might consider it,

Phil McC

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Re: A question for the togs and producers...

Post by zippo »


I don't think it will make any diference to your work at all. I think peple love and lust for you for more much than just your hair and big boobs. Take a certain Miss LB who you've worked with. I don't think she'd get any more work if she had blonde hair and big tits. You are both popular beacause of what you do, the way that you do it and the fact that you enjoy doing itit so much. In a word.......attitude!

Keep us posted!
one eyed jack
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Re: A question for the togs and producers...

Post by one eyed jack »

Its good to re-invent yourself every now and again. Makes the prods and togs think they are getting something that bit different.

Laura Turner and Shakina were one of the few models I can mention that I worked with loads of times and they looked slightly different everytime I shot them...Come to think of it, thats probably why I worked with them loads...Yeah do it.

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Re: A question for the togs and producers...

Post by Tequila_Woods »

Thanks for the opinions guys...Think i might go brunette in September :)

Jock Strap
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Re: A question for the togs and producers...

Post by Jock Strap »

You are a beautiful woman no matter what colour your hair is.

And reinvention is good. It worked for Madonna!

[url=http://www.jock-strap.info/porn-sites]JOCK STRAP'S PORN SITES[/url]
Red Triangle
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Re: A question for the togs and producers...

Post by Red Triangle »

Its quite difficult to find brunettes. I did a series and almost everyone was blonde - and I would preferred a decent mix.

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Re: A question for the togs and producers...

Post by sandie »

i disagree red triangle. for a while last summer almost all the girls were brunette. i was searching for a blonde and could i find one --- NO!

i think - on no research particularly - that most of the girls in the buis are brunette.

yes i agree with reinventing yourself. i dont know if going brown will help u.
i had extentions done and everyone said how great i looked yet when i had them taken out the same people said i looked great again.
do what u what babe. everyone says what they think u want to hear anyway.
dont do it for them do it for u.
