Race and porn

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one eyed jack
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Re: Race and porn

Post by one eyed jack »

Can you imagine a pretty white girl with her blonde hair in bunches running onto the set of Gang Land # (whatever) with some of the biggest heavyweights in black performers hanging around, wearing a t-shirt stating: "I don't do n****z". I know some black guys would find that highly amusing...Seriously...Mind you I also know a few who won't (gulp)

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Re: Race and porn

Post by DiSanto »

I think it would be fair to say that I shoot plenty of UK inter-racial..
To us at Pornostatic it's simply a reflection of everyday urban Britain. (Thank God)
For instance at we try to emphasis that it's not all about black guys on blonde girls. In the UK we have a much more diverse interracial scene..Including Asians, Indian, Black, White or whatever.
The US issues are without doubt political and just another part of an overall strategy to attempt "fuck the porn business".. (2257, 1% chargeback limits etc)..
We may well have the most fucked up laws with regard to DVD distribution on the planet in the UK but lets just hope that we can hold on to our liberalism when it comes to interracial content...

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Re: Race and porn

Post by miniskirts4u »

Take away the east and west coasts of the usa and there are sections in the vast swathe of land between them where its not so much anti-black (as it was years ago) as pro-white. Perhaps the mindset of the pro whites is anti black but obviously they dont outwardly portray that anymore.

It remains a huge market for producers, particularly the 30 to 50 age group.

Americans are big followers and supporters of brands. Advertisers fall over themselves to get on particular brand bandwagons (for your article you might want to track down an article in The Sporting News around April time).

Now take that pro white central usa mindset and couple that brand support and turn it around. Some producers would not want to alienate potential buyers and supporters of their house brand.

Why is this not so in the uk? The availability and accessibility of porn in the usa has a longer history there and has spanned the various race "troubles", which falls into the pro white emergence above.
We havent had that over here in the uk. The accessibility has grown on a similar timeline with the development of multi-racial culture (yes there's anti immigration arguments but not particular race problems on anywhere near a par to the usa of the 60's/70's etc).

Take that and also uk buyers of a product (not porn, any product) or fans not being as aggressive in deliberately supporting brands and the reluctance of producers to do black/white is therefore just not present over here.

I'm not saying that's the answer for you, but its certainly something you'd need to cover in your article.
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Re: Race and porn

Post by fevrd »

Arena, the porn part of your commission is a total distraction. The reason that Interracial is an named genre is entirely to do with the nature of American racism.

I discovered this by reading all the works of Iceberg Slim. The plain fact is that American racism is dyed-in-the-wool like no other. I'm quite convinced that if you are an American, then no matter how liberal you are, no matter how anti-racist you are, down deep in your soul there is a tiny little goblin whispering racism in your ear.

In this country it is easy to see by contrast that racism is just a special case of ordinary xenophobia. Not in America.

If you want to know the reason then sure it is not far to seek. I can't prove it but surely the very special history of black/white interaction is the key. In America, after the abolition of the slave trade, slaves were bred, not imported. I don't believe this ever happened anywhere else, not even in Antiquity and the attitudes engendered by the guilt have left Americans with a unique psychological legacy.

Really porn is nothing to do with it. But it's symptomatic all the same.


Some good books.
Eight titles by Iceberg Slim from Payback Press of which the most famous is Pimp, The Story Of My Life
Sexual Life in Ancient Rome, Otto Kiefer (loads about slavery)
and while I'm throwing books at you how about:
The Royal Navy and the Slavers, W.E.F.Ward
(how the Royal Navy, single-handed and at the British government's own expense, destroyed the Atlantic slave trade. Didn't tell you about that at school, did they? Nothing to do with the question though)