Pornoman IS Andrew Jones

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Pornoman IS Andrew Jones

Post by SID »

Did anyone else realise that 'Pornoman' and 'Andrew Jones' are one and the same? Jones is attempting to set up his own porno distributing/copying business. I've chatted to someone lately who advises me to avoid him.... as this chap said he'd arranged a swap with Jones, fulfilled his end of the bargain, yet Jones failed to reciprocate. Bit of a shiester really.

I'd personally stay clear of him.

Hoping nobody else has fallen foul of his dastardly tricks,



Re: Pornoman IS Andrew Jones

Post by Grebo »

What a bounder!

Andrew Jones

Re: Pornoman IS Andrew Jones

Post by Andrew Jones »

My friend, before you make false accusations you should do some research first.
I would like to know who this person is that you refer to as I have fulfilled all of my trades as soon as the other persons tape arrived.
I have received no complaints from anybody nor had any reports of people not receiving their tapes.
I consider your post to be libelous and untrue and Im sure it will be removed by the moderator unless you can provide evidence that what you say is true
Andrew Jones

Re: Pornoman IS Andrew Jones

Post by Andrew Jones »

as an additional point. I am not pornoman. his email address is whereas i have registered(but rarely use) the email address
Once again, if you had looked into this with more care than a brain-dead carrot, you would have noticed this. The email address I most commonly use is the one i post with

Re: Pornoman IS Andrew Jones

Post by woodgnome »

an account of my dealings with andrew jones:

i saw in the forum that he had a copy of tape i wanted and i knew from a previous post that i had one he wanted, so we agreed to trade. i duly received a tape in the post from him a couple of days later.

unfortunately, a glitch at his end in the shape of pilfering, postman pat, meant that a whole bunch of stuff went awol. after andrew had a word with said postman, all tapes were received by him - EXCEPT mine!

andrew mailed me explaining this and requested that i send him another copy recorded delivery. in return he would send me a further tape. that seems pretty fair to me and certainly not the behaviour of a scamster.

that's how it's been for me.

Re: Pornoman IS Andrew Jones

Post by wayne »

I've just traded with andrew and have had no problems, in fact on contary very prompt and reliable.

Re: Pornoman IS Andrew Jones

Post by pornoman »

Andrew Jones is most certainly not pornoman. As he says above, his e-mail address is pornman.
Get a grip guys,


Re: Pornoman IS Andrew Jones

Post by dave »

I have recently dealt with andrew and he provided fist class product in double quick time so much so that I am doing more business with him

Talking about trading?

Post by Anthony »

Are you still after that Angels (Blondie)tape you requested from me. I never did get a reply from you, there again Hotmail did delete a lot of my emails recently due to over use.

Many thanks

Andrew Jones

Re: Talking about trading?

Post by Andrew Jones »

I did reply to you, I managed to get a copy from someone else.
However if you are still interested in trading, email me for a list