Opportunity for fun if London-based?

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Posts: 356
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Opportunity for fun if London-based?

Post by wilkinsnaps »

Slightly odd post, but here goes. Admin please remove if unsuitable.

I've been talking to a guy who works in fashion in London and is helping a 20yo South American girl to get a foothold in the industry. She has a stunning face and body, as you'll see from her pics below.

In return for his help, she's agreed she'll have naughty fun with a London-based old bloke who's a complete stranger to her, while he watches. I can't vouch for the veracity of this offer but it does sound genuine to me. It's not any kind of escorting situation or scam, so far as I can tell. They just both seem into the idea.

If you're London-based and would like to talk to him further about it, email me on wilkinsnaps@yahoo.co.uk and I'll put you in touch. The rest is up to you! He's hoping to set up a meet this coming weekend, or failing that very soon.

I've put 3 pics of her on Dropbox for you to check out:

Good luck!
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Opportunity for fun if London-based?

Post by theKingOfLimbs »

Did it happen? This either sounds like a once in a lifetime dream or a scam. Fingers crossed it?s the former.