Nicola Sturgeon on the Marr show

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David Johnson
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Nicola Sturgeon on the Marr show

Post by David Johnson »

Had to laugh when Sturgeon's response to Andrew Marr's statement about Scotland getting full fiscal autonomy was to argue that it would take a number of years to work out.

As I recall according to the SNP to do all of the above, negotiate on a currency, setup all independent government institutions, negotiate with the EU, sort out their role with Nato etc etc was going to take 2 years prior to the Scottish Referendum vote.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Nicola Sturgeon on the Marr show

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Her first task...sorry Salmond's first task will be training 50 rookie MPs in big league government, not the toy shop at Holyrood. Then, once they get used to the high living on expenses in London to stay on task and not get comfy earning a healthy wage and endless freebies. Idealism can wane on an expense account and countless free lunches from lobbyists etc...
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Re: Nicola Sturgeon on the Marr show

Post by max_tranmere »

I watched the interview this morning, I thought she came over very professional - and likeable. I was impressed.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Nicola Sturgeon on the Marr show

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Dangerous Krankie impersonator. If she is so fucking good then why doens't she stand as an MP and come to Roger Water' once wrote "The safety of being out of range...). Mark my words McSalmond will get his smug face on TV at every opportunity.
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Re: Nicola Sturgeon on the Marr show

Post by fatmick »

Wee Eck is good copy for the papers/broadcasters.
Sturgeon didn't stand for Westminster as she has a job already running the better half of the country! ;-)
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Nicola Sturgeon on the Marr show

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

She doesn't actually run it. The local authorities and civil service run the country and a large amount of policies and procedures are UK wide. Now if she has the balls, and a lot of people think she has a pair, she should formulate her own tax policy and be financially independent of London...