Many many years back when girlie magazines were still the main source of porn, I remember a publication that was not your usual Razzle, Men Only or Fiesta mainstream porn mag but a more independent title the name of which escapes me.
Anyway, I what I particularly remember of this publication is that every month the centre pages would be an unofficial artists impression of a well known celebrity of the day nude - similar style to the drawings you see on the news from court rooms -but obviously much ruder! I remember an Ulrika Johnson and Phillipa Forrester drawing in particular!
Clearly the drawings were just an impression and not posed for in anyway - indeed I suspect the celebrities in question to this day still know nothing of their existence, but I thought the concept rather clever!
Id love to see the concept reintroduced and in particular the current crop of Sky Sports News presenters. Id pay good money for a decent artists impression picture of Kate Abdo or Charlotte Jackson on my wall, never mind all the Mona Lisa shite.
I genuinely would be keen to hear if any professional or semi professional artists could be persuaded to draw such images for sale..