who reads the daily mail??

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number 6
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who reads the daily mail??

Post by number 6 »

Ok ,you need help for starters,but if you carry on reading it after today you should be ashamed. Here is a paper that supported the nazis in WW2,telling its readers that Ed Milband's father ,a marxist and someone who served in the war fighting the nazis,hated Britain. Oh the fucking irony....
Porn Baron
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Re: Hurrah for the Blackshirts

Post by Porn Baron »

Bit of an own goal by the NAZI supporting Daily Mail. When Ralph Milliband served in the Royal Navy during WWII
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Re: Hurrah for the Blackshirts

Post by m100 »

offensive and innacurate in equal measure and as customary for the daily mail. On a positive note they must really be crapping it that labour will win the next election with a governable majority if they are willing to stoop to these depths with 18 months to go.
David Johnson
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Just the start from Fascist press

Post by David Johnson »

What you will find in the next 18 months is the extreme right wing press launching an unprecedented onslaught on the Labour party.

This is why Cameron was so terrified to agree with the findings of the Leveson enquiry. Even though he promised that provided the Leveson recommendations weren't bonkers, which they weren't, he would support them, when push comes to shove he showed what a spineless creep he is.
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Re: Just the start from Fascist press

Post by m100 »

absolutely though it's hard to see what the daily mail is thinking in terms of voting. Anyone who voted labour last time is not going to move to the liberals and risk another coalition and they certainly aren't going to move to the tories so the labour base is relatively steady. The liberals will lose a monumental amount of votes to labour because their floating support will not have forgiven them for the coalition and again won't want to increase the risk of another. They are also going to lose a proportion, albeit small, to labour because the liberals have traditionally been pro-europe and some of their supporters won't want to go along with the possibilty of a referendum brought on to pander to and prevent ukip. The tories will lose a massive amount of votes to ukip either owing to the right wing press shoving them in that direction or the euro hating 95% of tory voters not believing cameron's promise of a referendum. Thereby letting labour in with a majority which may or may not be big enough to govern in a practical manner for a full-term. Can the daily mail really believe that it attracts any potential labour voters who might be swayed.
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Re: who reads the daily mail??

Post by cockneygeezer2009 »

I've read the Daily Mail but i'm not thick enough to believe everything it prints.
As for it's loyal readers that do believe everything it prints they must be very thick indeed.

The harder you cum. The more you enjoy it.
David Johnson
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Re: Just the start from Fascist press

Post by David Johnson »

Agreed. And thank you Nick Clegg who threw his toys out of the pram with regard to supporting the Tories changes to MPs boundaries which would have given the Tories an estimated 30 extra seats.

Apparently he was pissed off because the Tories laughed themselves silly at Cleggie's House of Lords Bill.
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Re: who reads the daily mail??

Post by spider »

I'm sure Milliband is really upset, but I also think he is milking this for all he's worth.

It's number one item on the news and the Tory Conference is way down the news agenda.

I bet Cameron is really pissed because he was hoping his conference messages were going to be top of the news and now all the media want to talk about is Milliband's Dad.

Milliband is playing a blinder.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: who reads the daily mail??

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

We need a right wing press to counteract the leftie loving BBC and ITV. I remember when Gordun McBroon used to go on GMTV and Fiona Phillips and Gloria de Piero (cracking scones Gromit) just about sat on his knee. Dead or alive a Marxist is always a threat. And before DJ dives in I don't read the Daily Mail....