Unemployed to work for benefit

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Unemployed to work for benefit

Post by Gentleman »

Currently doing the rounds on TV is that the Tories are proposing long term unemployed work for their benefits.

This should provide some intresting views (hopefully)

Thoughts please ladies and gentleman.
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Put in wrong forum! Help

Post by Gentleman »

Sorry admin slight mistake...could you help a fella and move/delete this please.
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Re: Unemployed to work for benefit

Post by Jonone »

Won't happen Gentleman. Looks great as a headline but unworkable. People claiming JSA already have to be compliant ie actively seeking work and meeting targets set in their jobseeker's agreement eg a number of applications and contacts with employers per week.

If they were to work for benefit time would need to be set aside for them to continue these activities and to attend interviews etc. If it was suggested that they spend less time jobseeking and make fewer applications then their chances of finding work would diminish.

Jobseekers would need to continue what they're doing ie looking for work, and there would be a big administrative burden in terms of monitoring them and establishing what they were doing, when and for how long. Futhermore, can we trust some of the organisations who would be doing this monitoring as it appears that some of them are involved in legal proceedings where it is alleged that staff have fraudulently claimed monies for targets that haven't been achieved and work that hasn't been done.

Anyone who buys into the headline is a fool.
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Re: Unemployed to work for benefit

Post by Gentleman »

Problem is there's plenty of morons in the electorate...

This policy would also help the unemployed disappear from the figures for a longer period than the current courses.
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Re: Unemployed to work for benefit

Post by spider »

Why doesn't this government just cut to the chase?

They need to tell it as they really see it and say ?we are going to execute all unemployed and send their dependents to the workhouse!?
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

Err. doesn't this scheme already exist in the sense that long term unemployed can work for 6 months in return for benefits e.g. shelf stacking in Poundland. All this new plan that Gentleman mentioned will do is extend the plan.

As for Jonone's comment that there are requirements for attending interviews etc placed on jobseekers, I can see the government's line already.

How can it be fair that hundreds of thousands of hard working employees search for work and attend interviews for potential new jobs, when those receiving endless benefits cannot manage to look for work whilst doing an unpaid job to give them the necessary skillset for a paid job?
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Re: Jonone/Gentleman

Post by Gentleman »

Forgot about about the pound land experience.
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Re: Unemployed to work for benefit

Post by sparky »

Why are they unemployed.
There are approx 2.5 million fewer jobs than people seeking one.

What jobs are available to the unemployed so they can continue to receive their benefits.


(If you are stuck for an answer contact Tory HQ for guidance)

An alternative approach by government that would win votes -

We are going to invest to create jobs to make the UK more self sufficient.
Our specific strategies include -

Significantly reducing both long distance freight and the daily distance travelled by employees and hence the volume of irreplaceable fossil fuels used, the volume of pollution created and congestion.
HS2 will no longer be required. We will reallocate most of the ?50bn to job creation with the remainder to improving local transport specifically including good access to the locations of the newly created jobs.

Ensuring UK end products contain the highest practical percentage of UK produced components. The example of JCB where the percentage of UK sourced components fell from 90% to 36% between the mid-1970's and mid-2000's is unacceptable. We will work to increase the UK sourced components to a minimum of 75%.

Increasing agriculture including significantly reducing the volume of meat imported.

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Re: Put in wrong forum! Help

Post by Cuntybollocks »

What other forum here would you like it placed?. The BGF, promotions?

While we are on the subject however, may I add my two penneth worth?

People claiming benefits (while fully fit and healthy) MUST carry out a certain amount of work. Perhaps in the community, 15-20 hours per week. Litter picking, helping the aged ect ect. This give them a sense of purpose as well as lots of time to look for a job.

Essex Lad
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Re: Unemployed to work for benefit

Post by Essex Lad »

sparky wrote:

> Q1.
> Why are they unemployed.
> A1.
> There are approx 2.5 million fewer jobs than people seeking
> one.

That is simply not true. There are thousands of jobs out there. The problem is that many people are not suited to those jobs. Chap on The Wright Stuff this morning got made redundant 18 months ago from his ?50k-a-year IT job. He assumed that he would walk into another job. He has found that unskilled jobs employers won't take him on because they think he would not stay long and after 18 months his industry has moved on.

> Q2.
> What jobs are available to the unemployed so they can continue
> to receive their benefits.
> A2.
> ......................................................................................

Surely if someone is working they are not technically unemployed?

> (If you are stuck for an answer contact Tory HQ for guidance)
> An alternative approach by government that would win votes -
> We are going to invest to create jobs to make the UK more self
> sufficient.
> Our specific strategies include -
> Significantly reducing both long distance freight and the daily
> distance travelled by employees and hence the volume of
> irreplaceable fossil fuels used, the volume of pollution
> created and congestion.

How would that work? I, for example, live in Essex but work in London. Unless my company relocates to Essex (which is highly unlikely especially as they have just signed a contract for a building further into London), I have to get a train to get there or drive in at the weekends.

> HS2 will no longer be required. We will reallocate most of the
> ?50bn to job creation with the remainder to improving local
> transport specifically including good access to the locations
> of the newly created jobs.

Won't argue with you there. Biggest mistake (of many) by the Tories was hiring Dr Beeching...

> Ensuring UK end products contain the highest practical
> percentage of UK produced components. The example of JCB where
> the percentage of UK sourced components fell from 90% to 36%
> between the mid-1970s and mid-2000s is unacceptable. We will
> work to increase the UK sourced components to a minimum of 75%.

You have to ask yourself why that is. Simple answer is that British consumers don't want to pay more for their goods when companies can source them much more cheaply on the sub-continent and Asia.

> Increasing agriculture including significantly reducing the
> volume of meat imported.

So rework the Common Agricultural Policy? Not sure what the French would have to say about that. Actuellement, I know exactly what they will say...
