Chuka Umunna

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number 6
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Chuka Umunna

Post by number 6 »

Will replace Ed Balls as shadow chancellor in the next few weeks,you heard it here first.
Essex Lad
Posts: 2539
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Chuka Umunna

Post by Essex Lad »

Is this what he has written on his own Wikipedia page?
Arginald Valleywater
Posts: 4288
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Re: Chuka Umunna

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Arrogant snob. My colleague met him at the Labour Party Conference and said he behaved like a spoilt Tory!!
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by David Johnson »

I was talking to a bloke down the boozer who said that Nigel Farage was a right twat.
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Number 6

Post by David Johnson »

Well, unless the Labour Party pulls its finger out and gets:

1. A communication strategy that is better than your average 18 year old media students plan.

2. Challenges every aspect of the lies that Lynton Crosby and the Tory cabinet put-out on a daily basis.

3. At least come up with a convincing political framework about beliefs and core values into which they can slot some game-changing policies closer to the election.

It's all just shuffling chairs on the neoliberal Titanic.
Posts: 2480
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Re: Number 6

Post by randyandy »

David Johnson wrote:

> Well, unless the Labour Party pulls its finger out and gets:
> 1. A communication strategy that is better than your average 18
> year old media students plan.
> 2. Challenges every aspect of the lies that Lynton Crosby and
> the Tory cabinet put-out on a daily basis.
> 3. At least come up with a convincing political framework about
> beliefs and core values into which they can slot some
> game-changing policies closer to the election.
> It's all just shuffling chairs on the neoliberal Titanic.

Won't happen David.

You only have to look at the People's Politics gimmick to know how fucked things are.
Arginald Valleywater
Posts: 4288
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Re: Argie

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

No DJ my colleague is a portfolio holder on our City Council, has been Labour all her life and found Chucker to be as un Labour as possible. Surrounded by fawning lackeys and dressed to kill in Savile Row. He has nothing in common with Labour voters. She likened him to Obama. No policies but a handsome black man who will appear to those who see image as more important than talent and integrity.
David Johnson
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Re: Argie

Post by David Johnson »

No Argie, the bloke down the pub I was talking to was a member of the UKIP hierarchy.

He said that Nigel, an ex-investment banker knew nothing about working people and was just in it for the expenses he could get from the EU, an organisation he despises - ungrateful, little sod.

He said he was just like Mitt Romney. No policies but very well off and a smooth white man.
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Re: Chuka Umunna

Post by spider »

"found Chucker to be as un Labour as possible. Surrounded by fawning lackeys and dressed to kill in Savile Row."

This is all wrong: he should be surrounded by Trade Union Officials in flat caps with whippets on leads.
Essex Lad
Posts: 2539
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by Essex Lad »

David Johnson wrote:

> No Argie, the bloke down the pub I was talking to was a member
> of the UKIP hierarchy.
> He said that Nigel, an ex-investment banker knew nothing about
> working people and was just in it for the expenses he could get
> from the EU, an organisation he despises - ungrateful, little
> sod.
> He said he was just like Mitt Romney. No policies but very
> well off and a smooth white man.

I think this is where we can add liar to hypocrite.