As the only mention of violent porn etc that pops up on my computer are these reports of moral outrage I wonder if Cameron has considered that an internet filter that blocks all mention of it will cut out his own ramblings on the subject and the "silent majority of right minded citizens " won't know what an upright geezer he is and will forget to vote for him.
Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households
- Posts: 4113
- Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am
Re: Nothing wrong with my sense of proportion
You can call the Daily Torygraph a few things, but its hardly left-wing.
- Posts: 12413
- Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households
Stop moaning and do something about it
Do Not Force ISP Filtering of Pornography and Other Content
Do Not Force ISP Filtering of Pornography and Other Content
Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households
The porn industry made a lot more money in the 1980s, so maybe it will be a good thing.
Re: Nothing wrong with my sense of proportion
The Daily Telegraph isn't saying that 600,000 children will be poor. It's quoting "the report, published by the Office of the Children's Commissioner for England", which is hardly an unbiased organisation. I doubt there are many Tory voters in the upper echelons of the Office of the Children's Commissioner for England.
The Children's Commissioner for England is Dr Maggie Atkinson who believes that Jon Venables and Robert Thompson were too young to face trial for the murder of James Bulger and had to apologise to Denise Fergus. She described the murder as "exceptionally unpleasant". It was not an accident. Thomson and Venables sexually assaulted the toddler and then systematically tortured him to death with kicks, punches, beating with bricks and blows with an iron bar. They then laid James across a railway track, covering his head with bricks, so his body was severed by the wheels of a train.
Do you think Maggie Atkinson is a Guardian reader by chance?
The Children's Commissioner for England is Dr Maggie Atkinson who believes that Jon Venables and Robert Thompson were too young to face trial for the murder of James Bulger and had to apologise to Denise Fergus. She described the murder as "exceptionally unpleasant". It was not an accident. Thomson and Venables sexually assaulted the toddler and then systematically tortured him to death with kicks, punches, beating with bricks and blows with an iron bar. They then laid James across a railway track, covering his head with bricks, so his body was severed by the wheels of a train.
Do you think Maggie Atkinson is a Guardian reader by chance?
Johno, Johno...
David Johnson wrote:
> You always know when an extreme right winger is losing an
> argument.
Can't imagine who you are referring to. If it's me, I must be the only "extreme right winger" who votes Labour and has never voted Conservative in my life.
They spew out misinformation i.e. highlighting an
> extreme case and implying that it is in some way, typical.
Where did I say it was "typical"?
> This is a classic example.
> "Benefits have been "cut" to ?26,000 a year ? tell me who can't
> eat well on ?26,000 a year."
> This refers to the benefit cap introduced by the government and
> implies that this is some kind of standard benefit. According
> to the DWP's own estimates only a small minority of all
> households will be affected by the cap (around one per cent of
> all households in receipt of a working-age benefit from DWP) -
> about 58,000 households.
So it it is only a "small minority", what's the problem? Where are all these families in dire poverty?
> Estimates project that all households affected by the cap will
> be in receipt of
> Housing Benefit. The estimated mean weekly amount of Housing
> Benefit
> received by the 67,000 affected by the cap is ?240 i.e. ?12,000
> a year which goes to generally, a rip off landlord.
> And who created this situation? Maggie Thatcher's huge
> sell-off of council housing which has not been replaced by
> subsequent governments and has resulted in the situation where
> many are at the mercy of greedy private landlords.
And New Labour did precisely what to rectify the situation?
> You always know when an extreme right winger is losing an
> argument.
Can't imagine who you are referring to. If it's me, I must be the only "extreme right winger" who votes Labour and has never voted Conservative in my life.
They spew out misinformation i.e. highlighting an
> extreme case and implying that it is in some way, typical.
Where did I say it was "typical"?
> This is a classic example.
> "Benefits have been "cut" to ?26,000 a year ? tell me who can't
> eat well on ?26,000 a year."
> This refers to the benefit cap introduced by the government and
> implies that this is some kind of standard benefit. According
> to the DWP's own estimates only a small minority of all
> households will be affected by the cap (around one per cent of
> all households in receipt of a working-age benefit from DWP) -
> about 58,000 households.
So it it is only a "small minority", what's the problem? Where are all these families in dire poverty?
> Estimates project that all households affected by the cap will
> be in receipt of
> Housing Benefit. The estimated mean weekly amount of Housing
> Benefit
> received by the 67,000 affected by the cap is ?240 i.e. ?12,000
> a year which goes to generally, a rip off landlord.
> And who created this situation? Maggie Thatcher's huge
> sell-off of council housing which has not been replaced by
> subsequent governments and has resulted in the situation where
> many are at the mercy of greedy private landlords.
And New Labour did precisely what to rectify the situation?
- Posts: 7844
- Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am
Andy - please knock it off
I always find it hilarious when right wingers assume that everyone but everyone seems to be left wing. One wonders why the Socialist Party didn't win the last election.
You provide three links from the Daily Telegraph, because a right winger described your previous quotes as all left wing. Yes, the Independent newspaper which didn't recommend any political party at the last election. Must be a hotbed of Commies then. And then you mention quotes from charities - all Trotskyites methinks!
And you can't even win by quoting from the Daily Telegraph
""The Daily Telegraph isn't saying that 600,000 children will be poor. It's quoting "the report, published by the Office of the Children's Commissioner for England", which is hardly an unbiased organisation. I doubt there are many Tory voters in the upper echelons of the Office of the Children's Commissioner for England."
Well, if the poster had read the link you provided, he would have seen that the work had been done by a group of independent economists commissioned by the no doubt rabidly left wing organisation of the Office of the Children's COmmissioner. Obviously they could have paid the economists to lie but if that was the case it seems strange that so many other groups agree with the gist of the findings.
One of your other links quotes statements from the rabidly Maoist Tesco organisation.
"An estimated 18 per cent of the country were forced to skip meals, ask friends or family for food, rely on a food bank or go without so their kids could eat in the past year. And the report, commissioned by supermarket giant Tesco, claims the problem will only get worse as rising bills force place an unprecedented squeeze on disposable income. The report found that 70 per cent of parents rely on school meals to help feed the kids in term time and two-thirds of these fear the summer holidays will mean their children miss out on nutritious meals. The research comes a month after Oxfam claimed foodbanks were now a lifeline for half a million people.
And finally, I must berate you for this Andy but you include a Daily Telegraph link which includes quotes from the Stalinist Office of Budget Responsibility which Boy George quoted endlessly whilst Shadow Chancellor and also the Commie infiltrated Department of Work and Pensions.
"Overall the figures showed that a freeze on wages or a series of below-inflation pay rises and steep increases in fuel and food prices over the last few years have effectively wiped out improvements in living standards in the first decade of the 21st century. Average household incomes dropped by three per cent in real terms between 2011 and 2012, the second year in a row in which they have fallen, taking them to levels not seen since 2001. "
"It follows a report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies this week which showed that workers have suffered ?unprecedented? wage cuts since the 2008 financial crisis"
Please Andy, I would be grateful if you stopped providing links to all this Commie shit.
Kind Regards
You provide three links from the Daily Telegraph, because a right winger described your previous quotes as all left wing. Yes, the Independent newspaper which didn't recommend any political party at the last election. Must be a hotbed of Commies then. And then you mention quotes from charities - all Trotskyites methinks!
And you can't even win by quoting from the Daily Telegraph
""The Daily Telegraph isn't saying that 600,000 children will be poor. It's quoting "the report, published by the Office of the Children's Commissioner for England", which is hardly an unbiased organisation. I doubt there are many Tory voters in the upper echelons of the Office of the Children's Commissioner for England."
Well, if the poster had read the link you provided, he would have seen that the work had been done by a group of independent economists commissioned by the no doubt rabidly left wing organisation of the Office of the Children's COmmissioner. Obviously they could have paid the economists to lie but if that was the case it seems strange that so many other groups agree with the gist of the findings.
One of your other links quotes statements from the rabidly Maoist Tesco organisation.
"An estimated 18 per cent of the country were forced to skip meals, ask friends or family for food, rely on a food bank or go without so their kids could eat in the past year. And the report, commissioned by supermarket giant Tesco, claims the problem will only get worse as rising bills force place an unprecedented squeeze on disposable income. The report found that 70 per cent of parents rely on school meals to help feed the kids in term time and two-thirds of these fear the summer holidays will mean their children miss out on nutritious meals. The research comes a month after Oxfam claimed foodbanks were now a lifeline for half a million people.
And finally, I must berate you for this Andy but you include a Daily Telegraph link which includes quotes from the Stalinist Office of Budget Responsibility which Boy George quoted endlessly whilst Shadow Chancellor and also the Commie infiltrated Department of Work and Pensions.
"Overall the figures showed that a freeze on wages or a series of below-inflation pay rises and steep increases in fuel and food prices over the last few years have effectively wiped out improvements in living standards in the first decade of the 21st century. Average household incomes dropped by three per cent in real terms between 2011 and 2012, the second year in a row in which they have fallen, taking them to levels not seen since 2001. "
"It follows a report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies this week which showed that workers have suffered ?unprecedented? wage cuts since the 2008 financial crisis"
Please Andy, I would be grateful if you stopped providing links to all this Commie shit.
Kind Regards
- Posts: 4113
- Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am
Re: Andy - please knock it off
Its a fair cop, guv. You got me bang to rights. I will desist forthwith.