Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

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one eyed jack
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by one eyed jack »

They might shut all the sites down but as long as you type the words, "anal" , "porn" (copy and paste if you prefer) put it in your google browser you can see girls getting it in their alleys all day long ...all for free and without age verification

Kids dont pay for this stuff when they know they can get it for free somewhere. What is David Cameron thinking? He isnt protecting the minors he is protecting his voters to thinkng what a take charge geezer he is. The man that stomped all the dirty filth underfoot so children can grow up in a Disney like utopia

Hail Prime Minister David Cameron!

The man is not clued up to recognise that billers would never advocate rape sites and child abuse images. Hell they dont even like some wording which they have spiders crawling over the blogs to fish out dodgy content. Even the words drunk and alcohol are not acceptable in some cases

Has it occurred to anyone that maybe Stewart Hazell and Mark Bridger (found with porn on their computers) probably googled it and trawled the internet collecting strange things like this

I'm also aware that to make charges stick the police will just say they found it on your hard drive anyway. If there is evidence to say youve killed a child theres nothing like a smoking gun bit of evidence that is going to be hard to defend your self from.

I know this for a ffact as thats what they did with me when i was charged for porn by saying I was selling videos of extreme torture (some bloke hammering his nuts into the table with a nail apparently) Come court date there w s no mention of this specific tape in the charges

Seems to me that porn on your computer is enough to get you banged up past the legal time they allow you to be legally represented anyway...
Porn Baron
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by Porn Baron »

Yet it's okay for kids to see some bloke covered in blood with a butchers knife who just tried to cut another blokes head off! That even disturbed me! Porn is quite tame compared to that!

Alex L
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by Alex L »


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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by mrchapel »

I`m all for censoring cunts as long as Camerons first

Bukkake shots where you are with a few other fucking gay.

In fact, about pulling trains with a wanna have sex with other guys and mix your sperm with're just using a woman as a conduit.

Fag..--Inside Clyde
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by spider »

I were Cameron now, I'd be thinking "well, at least whilst I'm banging-on about internet Porn, no one is getting a chance to ask me questions about the economy. So it's all good really".

But then again maybe I'm being cynical.
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by mulletman46 »

Will people still be allowed to buy mail order porn movies, ie yourchoice and more?
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by spider »

DVD's and top shelf magazines are next on the list.

Give him time.
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by mulletman46 »

It will be like 1980s again but worse, what Cameron is really banning is online
wanking, the bastard!
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by spider »

It's back to Thatcher at her best.

And who was one of Thatcher's best mates whilst she was on her crusade to ban porn?

That's right Sir Jimmy S.

Of course he wasn't a Sir then, that was another of her crusades!
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by monkeyman »

Cameron is only doing it as he's pissed off with people googling for pictures of 'Dave Cameron with his head up his arse'.

Cameron might actually find that children's childhoods have been corroded by government policies, not by smut online.

You would think that a generation watching two wars on the news for a decade, the threat of terrorism aimed directly at civilians for simply having a different opinion and culture, a massive national budget deficit sending the nation down the shitter, an education system that treats kids like adults and demands they make career choices at age 11, limited job opportunities when they do leave school, alarmist government brainwashing about an extra degree celsius is going to flood the UK 'cos the ice will melt...blah blah blah. Fuck me, after all that shit you would think anyone would need a little stress relief.

It's not availability of material to wank to that's an issue, it's the wankers in Westminster intent on being ignorant to their ever growing list of self inflicted wounds on society in general.
