Nick Griffin wants all muslim's expelled from UK..

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Bicycle Bum
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I would ban any more religious from settling here

Post by Bicycle Bum »

Only educated atheists, so no more Africans, Arabs, Pakistanis, no more superstitious muthafuckers. Just those who understand the world to be 4.6 billion years old and that Man is a species of ape.
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Re: I would ban any more religious from settling here

Post by Jonone »

What about fantastically rich Arabs, Africans and Pakistanis ?
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Re: I would ban any more religious from settling here

Post by cockneygeezer2009 »

"I would ban any more religious from settling here"

What no more bible bashing Americans, Canadians, South Africans, Australians, and eastern Europeans then? Don't communists hate religion?

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Re: I would ban any more religious from settling here

Post by cockneygeezer2009 »

Not all Africans, Arabs, Pakistanis are religious!! !shocked!

Not all British people hate muslims!! !idontbelieveit!

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Bicycle Bum
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Re: I would ban any more religious from settling here

Post by Bicycle Bum »

The fantastically rich can fuck off somewhere else too if they bring their god here. Only the scientifically minded need apply. The rest can get fucked.
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Post by max_tranmere »

We have seen a lot of Choudray and his like in recent days but there is now talk of banning dipsticks like him from the airwaves. I've always wondered why he's regarded as such an important person. He only has about thirty followers. Maybe the media do do it to stir things up. I've often regarded the media as mischief-makes. We are not nearly as bad as the Americans though, they keep going until everything explodes. I remember the 1992 Los Angeles riots following the Rodney King business and I remember thinking at the time that it was largely the TV media who were responsible for LA going up in flames. They ran an edited clip of King being beaten by coppers, ran it thousands of times, and kept at it until the city exploded - by which time all the overpaid TV media executives were on their way to their mansions in the hills in their chauffer driven cars. They show LIVE crimes on American news programmes because it is entertainment, before any analysis has been able to be done. They even showed someone on the run a few months ago, the Police were chasing him on the ground, the news helicopters were following up above, and he killed himself on live TV. But hey, it's all good right? Because it gets ratings! Thank god we are not like that here - at least we are not like it yet.
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Re: I would ban any more religious from settling here

Post by max_tranmere »

In response to the last few comments, I do think that people with totally different ideologies trying to live side by side can lead to problems. How are two peoples with such different views on the world going to co-exist under one way of doing things?
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Re: I would ban any more religious from settling here

Post by Gentleman »

Exactly the way it works now.. One of the to cultures is going to be more tolerant so it will be easier to trample all over that one so you can feign multicultural bliss, kinda like a prison based relationship one of em going to be the bitch that gets arse fucked.
Bicycle Bum
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Re: I would ban any more religious from settling here

Post by Bicycle Bum »

There should be no tolerance for those who spout unverifiable superstitions as if they were a challenge to science-based evidence. You have christian and muslim fucks who insist the world was created just a few thousand years ago and that evolution is nonsense, when there is overwhelming scientific evidence to support evolution and an old Earth. People who want to settle in this country should be asked a lot of questions to find out if they have a basic grasp of such scientific facts. If they do not then they should be told to fuck off!!!
Essex Lad
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Re: I would ban any more religious from settling here

Post by Essex Lad »

Bicycle Bum wrote:

The rest can get fucked.

I think that's why the rich Arabs came here in the 70s in the first place.