Operation Yewtree & Law Changes

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Operation Yewtree & Law Changes

Post by frankthring »

I see that a rather pleasant, blonde, blue-eyed Milf barrister, Barbara
Hewson, is arguing that this pursuit of old celebrities in the wake of the
Saville Scandal is "grotesque" and a wrongful use of British justice. She
thinks comparing an old celebrity, like Stuart Hall, who might have kissed
an under-age girl or stroked her breasts, is very very different from the
case of a seriel rapist, or a man who wears a hoodie and sets out after dark
to terrorise and attack women !!
Ms Hewson thinks that girls mature so young these days that the legal age
needs to be brought down to 13 or 14, in line with Spain and many other
What do the bgafd mob think ?
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Re: Operation Yewtree & Law Changes

Post by Jonone »

"The Hardwicke chambers, where Ms Hewson works in London, said it dissociated itself from her comments.

In a statement, Hardwicke said: "We are shocked by the views expressed in Barbara Hewson's article in Spiked."

Don't be surprised if she backtracks a bit.
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Re: Operation Yewtree & Law Changes

Post by cockneygeezer2009 »

Keep the law as it is. The legal age of consent in Britain does not need to be brought down. However in some other countries it is as low as 14 or younger.

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number 6
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Re: Operation Yewtree & Law Changes

Post by number 6 »

Would you want your own kids having sex at 14??/ I certainly wouldn't.
one eyed jack
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Re: Operation Yewtree & Law Changes

Post by one eyed jack »

I personally think the legal age should be upped to 18 but thats asking too much of youngsters at 16 cos they wont be told they have to wait till 18 to have sex when their already taking selfies of themselves at 12 and passing it around to their lovers

ATVOD and the like are missing the point entirely about the sexualisation of children. It begins in the school playground. Not the internet. No one is protecting them from anything. Its called peer pressure.

Maybe if the people that made these laws had kids theyd probably understand the matter ad leave well enough alone

one eyed jack
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Re: Operation Yewtree & Law Changes

Post by one eyed jack »

My reason for upping the age to 18 is because a lot of these young girls are strutting around with their sexuality like their wielding a handgun with the safety off. They dont know the repercussions of displaying themselves so sexually in an environment with sexual prredators around and young men are incapable of their wn emotions dealing with all this sometimes fierce sexuality...Theyre better off bashing their wild oats out to porn till they're 21...

Good job I dont have my way on this then innit?

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Re: Operation Yewtree & Law Changes

Post by Gator »

If they want to fuck they will fuck.

Girls have a subconscious, primal instinct to be exhibitionists, while men like to be voyeurs.

Personally, I don't care. It's hard enough to find a beautiful, intelligent girl who is not a bitch, and they certainly will not be at that young age. But there are exceptions to every rule.
Bicycle Bum
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Re: Operation Yewtree & Law Changes

Post by Bicycle Bum »

The law when enforced in these cases should require the accuser to undergo the latest lie detection which involves a more detailed examination of the brain in realtime. The questioner here should try to establish two facts: If the accuser was touched 'inappropriately' by the accused, and how the accuser felt and responded to being touched 'inappropriately'. If it can be demonstrated by this method that the accused liked the experience sufficiently then the accused should receive a lesser punishment, but if the accuser was disgusted and upset by the whole encounter then the accused should receive the full punishment. We are compelled to follow the letter of the law, but young people should be discouraged from having sex until they are at least 25, because 25 is the age our brains mature.
Bicycle Bum
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Re: Operation Yewtree & Law Changes

Post by Bicycle Bum »

Speaking for myself. If I was 16 again knowing what I know now I'd have left school, worked my bollocks off by any and all means possible, resisting every urge to part with so much as a penny trying to win the approval of some bird. I'd carry on like this until I'm 30 investing and reinvesting my hard earned dosh time and time again until I'm in the clear and on my way to irreversible wealth. So, in the words of Al Pacino from Scarface, "First I get the money, then I get the power, then I get the women" If I had taken this advice onboard I'd have younger versions of Nancy Del'Olio, Salma Hayek, and a whole bevy of other curvaceous babes worshipping my knob. I'll never forgive myself for being so stupid.
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Re: Operation Yewtree & Law Changes

Post by frankthring »

Thanks Gentleman...it tickles me pink to think to think the bgafd site, in
theory a website connected with liberal, easy-going, sexy, porn-studding,
porn producing types is - apparently - a nest of ultra-reactionaries the
like of which its hard to credit. We have some of you thinking the age for
sex should be upped to 18, and even one who wants it upped to 25 ! Truly,
I am gob-smacked.
Personally - and putting aside the questionable nature of pursuing media
types in their eighties for things that may or may not have happened more
than four decades ago - it seems to me, One-Eyed, Gator & Co, that upping
any age of majority is closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. It
does not matter whether it starts in the playground these days, or is the
result of watching porn on the web, or getting turned on by gyrating hips in
a pop video, children are getting sexually active younger and younger. We
should accept this as fact and legislate accordingly.