Our best leader!!

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Our best leader!!

Post by Cuntybollocks »

Well, she was as far as i am concerned!!.

My Mum and Dad got their own house for a singsong!. Lived in it for years, moved up the ladder. Bought and sold 5 times now in a property in Peebles worth 460,000.

So there ya go!!!
number 6
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Re: Our best leader!!

Post by number 6 »

And thats what its allabout is it. What about the thousands made homeless and the thousands who lost everything.?? The schools left to rot and the hospitals left underfunded. That don't matter?? As long as your folks got their council place. Good for them.
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Re: Our best leader!!

Post by Cuntybollocks »

You working yet?
Posts: 378
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Re: Our best leader!!

Post by Cuntybollocks »

You can have a say when you start paying in mate.

As it is you are a cunt.
Bicycle Bum
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Re: Our best leader!!

Post by Bicycle Bum »

Without some form of socialism the individual has no obligation to be civil, to be generous, or even to be legitimate if he's confident he can get away with it. That is the problem with Thatcherism. People need to be encouraged to think and behave kindly to others. She said there was no 'Society', just individuals and their families. If that is so then so long as a man feels sure of himself there is nothing wrong with screwing anyone and everyone who is not one's family. You cannot base civility purely on a legal framework, for it's not illegal to call someone a 'cunt' and it's my suspicion Thatcherism has encouraged more and more people to call others 'cunts' over the years.
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Re: Our best leader!!

Post by william »

Yep - exactly. if others are not willing to work and get on it then they are indeed cunts - never been without job house or money, always worked hard and paid my taxes.

To those in the sink estates who wont work and sponge off of those that actually do something they can go and fuck off. Why should we be saddled with the fuckers and have to pay for them ?

wife drives an merc SLK, I run about in a BMW, We both run companies and we both earn enough to save for retirement... nice clothes nice house and all bought and paid for. So I aks you why should I give a fuck about those that chose to get pissed every weekend and those that sponge off of the hard workers in this world ?

The mines were losing money - so shut them down.

Sell the council houses off and get them tied to the house - dont work you ge tthe roof over your head taken - why should these live in protected status - why should these fuck be different ?

socialism never worked - it was about hiding the wealth and ensuring the workers were kept down in their place, no matter how hard they worked or strived they would never get far.... a sorry tale if you tell me.

Thatcher brought about a way of opportunity and a way of getting on - so what if you were thick and didnt know how to climb the ladder - that was your issue - you could go out and sort that out by getting an education....

Came from nothing me, but through hard fucking work and dedication to my beliefs I was able to get myself up and in to a decent position on life. I have no intention of spreading that wealth......... The ones that gripe and create probably are the ones that didnt make the journey.
Porn Baron
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Re: Our best leader!!

Post by Porn Baron »

Ever thought about writing for the Daily Mail? !grin!

Jack in London
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Our best leader your joking

Post by Jack in London »

Your parents house worth 450,000 in peebles, your having a laugh the whole town cost less than that. Place is pisspoor parents have sex with their kids if the can?t get a farmyard animal, sheep rented by the hour on market day, stayed at the Castle Venlaw bad, chef wanted to graduate to weatherspoons but no chance not good enough for evan Greggs
You have a go at Number 6 we are all different and this is not a good time to not have a job so leave off same to you William
Me I live in Pimlico and after 38 years with BP 35 on site have a great pension and paid offshore so my take home for 2 months is probably yours for 1 year Not so smart now you idiot
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

I've always thought of Peebles as a poor man's Blackpool.

"This message was sent from my Bentley Continental"
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Re: Our best leader your joking

Post by bamboo »

You worked, you were paid and now you have a good pension.
You've just agreed with William.
So what's your point?
Apart from bragging about the size of your offshore pension.
Just got your word for that old chum. !wink!