"Obams wins!"

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"Obams wins!"

Post by max_tranmere »

This on Twitter, exactly 4 minutes ago:

Gavin Newsom‏@GavinNewsom

We have it! @barackobama for another 4 years! #election2012, even Fox News projects #Obama re-elected president

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sorry "Obama wins!"... TYPO....

Post by max_tranmere »

I should learn how to spell. lol. The text is copied-and-pasted (thankfully!).
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and this.....

Post by max_tranmere »

8 minutes ago

Jon Snow‏@jonsnowC4

President Obama is President Obama

Retweeted by Channel 4 News
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: and this.....

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Poor America. A choice between a useless current encumbent and a war mongering bible basher. Obi is a master of media and hype but go to Detroit or any one of another 10 once proud industrial giants and see how little he has done for the so called working man.
The CIA will be happy, he can keep ordering drone attacks on schools and hospitals.
Porn Baron
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Re: and this.....

Post by Porn Baron »

Will he now be going for austerity or investing for growth?

David Johnson
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Oh dear, Argie

Post by David Johnson »

"Poor America. A choice between a useless current encumbent and a war mongering bible basher. Obi is a master of media and hype but go to Detroit or any one of another 10 once proud industrial giants and see how little he has done for the so called working man."

More ill-informed crap from you.

The last time you put this argument you ended up looking even more silly than usual.


Rather than spouting shite, perhaps you can check on what Obama did for the US car industry when it was disappearing down the plug hole when he became President and compare his policy with Romney's.

For your homework, check the growth figures in the US and compare them with two and a half years of Diamond Dave and Boy George.

Thank Christ, Obama got in again.
David Johnson
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Porn Baron

Post by David Johnson »

Difficult to predict until the final figures come in.

The Republicans spent the last few years opposing every single measure Obama brought in including commie stuff like healthcare.

Hopefully the Tea Party fraternity within the Republicans have taken a hammering and we might get a more inclusive approach from the Republicans in terms of their never ending attempts to thwart the will of the US people in the last few years.

I ain't holding my breath though.
Don Roobles
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Re: Oh dear, Argie

Post by Don Roobles »

thanks christ indeed!!

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Romney licking his wounds...

Post by max_tranmere »

I saw an American commentator saying it takes years to get over losing the American Presidential Election. He gave examples of people (Walter Mondale was one) who were troubled for ages afterwards. That will now be Romney. I never liked the guy - he has one of those smug expressions that is irritating - a partronising wide-eyed smile. The only other well known person I can think of who has such an expression is Anthea Turner and I always found her expression very irritating. So Romney will now disappear, as John Kerry did, he is also now hugely out of pocket.
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Re: "Obams wins!"

Post by jimslip »

Great news indeed! One American pundit drily observed, "The Republican Party is simply running out of angry, old white men!"

Also the crazed Zionist lobby will be very pissed off indeed, as I believe the immediate destruction of Iran by Israel, with America in tow, would have been on the cards if their puppet, Romney, had won.

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