Ed Miliband

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David Johnson
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Ed Miliband

Post by David Johnson »

Great speech at the Labour Conference today.

Tour de force to speak so well for 70 minutes without any notes or teleprompter, without a falter.

Made Cleggie's speech look like the slow boy at the bottom of 5Z.

Obviously very, very easy to talk the talk when you are not in power as Diamond Dave and Boy George already have found out to their costs.

But Dave and George...... watch out.
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Re: Ed Miliband

Post by max_tranmere »

Ed will be perturbed that his speech has got second billing on all news programmes tonight (with the exception of Newsnight) - the story that got top billing deserves too though (the girl in Wales who has disappeared). I expect all newspapers on Wednesday will not have Ed as the top story either, so his speech won't have resonated as much as he would have liked.
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Re: Ed Miliband

Post by Lizard »

Ed who?

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number 6
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Re: Ed Miliband

Post by number 6 »

Very good speech. You could tell the bbc political stance by the hatchet job they did on it afterwards. Will they give Cameron the same treatment next week??More chance of pigs flying.
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Re: Ed Miliband/ BBC

Post by jimslip »

I feel sorry for the Beeb, when New Labour were in power unless they devoted every second of news to, "This weeks wonders of New Labour" they were branded Tory brown noses. At the same time the Tories (and the Sun) were accusing the Beeb of being run by a band of Bolsheviks hell bent on revolution and World domination by Islam and the "World Lesbian Hopscotch Collective!"

Each political party accuses it of bias. Personally, I think the BBC leans to the slightly Left of centre. However they don't like Ed Milliband nor Cameron, but like Cloggie.

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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David Johnson
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Re: Ed Miliband

Post by David Johnson »

Fair comment Max, but I think second billing is fine. Given that 80%+ of the press support the Tories for obvious financial reasons, today I would expect them either to downplay the speech or do a hatchet job as per usual.

As for the little 5 year old, I really, really hope she is found safe like everyone else, but after 48 hours missing in this weather, I suspect it isn't going to be a happy ending, alas.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Ed Miliband

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

The NHS now has it on prescription for people with sleep disorders. He is merely keeping Yvette's seat warm....a comment from my friend who is leader of our local Labor party! Milliband is a dead man walking, nowhere near posh enough.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"He is merely keeping Yvette's seat warm....a comment from my friend who is leader of our local Labor party!"

Oooooh it must be correct then !laugh! !laugh!
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Re: Ed Miliband/ DJ

Post by jimslip »

Lets be honest David. If Ed had simply dropped his trousers, bent over and spent 70 minutes farting at the audience, you would have declared the performance a "Tour de force!" As a Labour activist this is your job, but you should be more concerned by Ed's total lack of charisma, I noticed only 314 views had been made of the speech and I presume 300 of these have been made by you!!wink!

Compare that to the 118,000,000 views of this talking dog!

The truth is neither Ed nor Cameron have any charisma whatsoever, they are just a pair of dull, grey suits. This is why if Boris Johnson runs for Tory Leader he will not only win that, but he will get the Tories elected again as well. Buffoon or not, fool or not, it doesn't matter, the public are fed up with these dullards running things.

I'm not saying it is a good thing, I am saying charisma, NOT policy is everything, it is realpolitik!.

Labour need to dump Ed ASAP and definitely NOT replace him with Harriet Harperson! I reckon they'll go for Chukka Ummana although he's a bit too smooth for many, but he does have charisma and he'll go down a storm with the ladies!

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Mr Slip

Post by David Johnson »

"If Ed had simply dropped his trousers, bent over and spent 70 minutes farting at the audience, you would have declared the performance a "Tour de force!"

Oh no I wouldn't.

Oh yes you would....tbc.

"Compare that to the 118,000,000 views of this talking dog!"

Standing in the next election as a Labour candidate for Barking. You heard it here first.

Charisma? Did Attlee have charisma? Did John Major have charisma? Did Brown have charisma? Did Blair have charisma? Did Thatcher have charisma? Did Cameron's lack of charisma stop him being PM? Nah. makes no difference. It's politics not the X Factor. People expect their politicians to be boring.

But just in case, I will give George Clooney a ring to see whether he wants a change from UN ambassador to Labour politician.