Be careful what sites you visit in future

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andy at handiwork
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Be careful what sites you visit in future

Post by andy at handiwork »

Amongst the measures that the fall of the last government helped put a stop to, such as ID cards, was the proposal to force ISPs to record and keep details of every email sent, each web-site visited, and all phone calls and texts: The Intercept Modernisation Plan. It was opposed by the Tories as well as the LDs at the time, and by anybody worried about the encroaching surveillance state. Guess what? A rebranding of the same planned intrusion into our privacy, which will now include every Tweet, is going to be in the next Queen's speech, the Communications Capabilities Development Programme

If you are worried about the ever widening tentacles of the state and the 'if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear' mentality, you might like to sign the petition at the site below.

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Re: Be careful what sites you visit in future

Post by planeterotica »

Join the Occupy movement..

andy at handiwork
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Re: Be careful what sites you visit in future

Post by andy at handiwork »

Hijack my thread would you? !wink!

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Re: Be careful what sites you visit in future

Post by jimslip »

Yes this is very worrying indeed, especially after Teresa May promising to reverse New Labour's attempt at building a police state. As worrying as it is however, since the last lot were booted out, Parliament has come alive again, it is once again a vibrant place where dissent in tolerated and the House of Lords are positively in permanent revolt. Hopefully, there are now enough checks and balances to keep plans for a surveilancee state in check.

Also, I do not believe that the Coalition/ Tories have a natural propensity, as do New Labour, ie a need, a thirst, a desperation for control and surveillance of the population. I believe the real nightmare scenario would come in the unlikely event that New Labour win another landslide victory at some point. Now imagine Parliament dominated by say 400 MP's of the like of our own resident New Labour activist, David Johnson.

How long would it be before newspapers were shut down, there were controls placed on TV news broadcasts, in fact whole new government departments set up to do nothing else but seek out dissent and non politically correect behaviour?How long before Parliament resembled something to be found in North Korea? How long before ALL your on line activity was catalogued and filed and ultimately how long before you have a camera watching you in your own house? How long before there was a knock on your door after suggesting something like this on a forum??

Think its impossible? Don't forget the last government were obsessed with information gathering and surveillance, all under the guise of The War on Terror, or simply because they simply couldn't help themselves and finally witness how on BGAFD all dissent and commentary that places any negative light on any activity of New Labour or its agents, is brutally rooted out and crushed by Mr Johnson and those that have "dared" make thse assertions ridiculed and patronised, is my warning so far fetched?

All we can hope for is that any totalitarian plans drawn up by the Coalition end up so torn into shreds that they are rendered useless.

All we can do is hope!

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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Re: Be careful what sites you visit in future

Post by bamboo »

I've already cancelled my subscription to but I'm keeping
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Re: Be careful what sites you visit in future

Post by Peter »

jimslip wrote:

> How long would it be before newspapers were shut down, there
> were controls placed on TV news broadcasts, in fact whole new
> government departments set up to do nothing else but seek out
> dissent and non politically correect behaviour?How long before
> Parliament resembled something to be found in North Korea? How
> long before ALL your on line activity was catalogued and filed
> and ultimately how long before you have a camera watching you
> in your own house? How long before there was a knock on your
> door after suggesting something like this on a forum??

Have you seen "V for Vendetta" Jim? You'd recognise the government in that film!

We have need of you again, great king.
David Johnson
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Flushed you out Jimbo!

Post by David Johnson »

"As worrying as it is however, since the last lot were booted out, Parliament has come alive again, it is once again a vibrant place where dissent in tolerated and the House of Lords are positively in permanent revolt."

"Also, I do not believe that the Coalition/ Tories have a natural propensity, as do New Labour, ie a need, a thirst, a desperation for control and surveillance of the population. I believe the real nightmare scenario would come in the unlikely event that New Labour win another landslide victory at some point. Now imagine Parliament dominated by say 400 MP's of the like of our own resident New Labour activist, David Johnson."

Toryboy Jimbo finally comes out of the closet and shows his true colours.

A free year's subscription to the Daily Mail to that man.

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Re: Be careful what sites you visit in future

Post by Toliverwist »

Date: 02-25-12 01:34

Also, I do not believe that the Coalition/ Tories have a natural propensity, as do New Labour, ie a need, a thirst, a desperation for control and surveillance of the population. I believe the real nightmare scenario would come in the unlikely event that New Labour win another landslide victory at some point. Now imagine Parliament dominated by say 400 MP's of the like of our own resident New Labour activist, David Johnson.


Naivety is a terrible affliction.

And there is no more degree of naivety than that which thinks there is any fundamental difference between the three branches of our tri-partite elected dictatorship, the LibLabCon.

The trouble is that the rest of us have to live with the results of voters who vote as though there is any more integrity than that of a slug in those who set themselves up as part of the UK party machine.

I have asked for this profile to be deleted.
David Johnson
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Just to counter yr Tory propaganda

Post by David Johnson »

I thought I would take some time to counter your Toryboy propaganda.

"As worrying as it is however, since the last lot were booted out, Parliament has come alive again, it is once again a vibrant place where dissent in tolerated and the House of Lords are positively in permanent revolt."

So why do you think the House of Lords is voting down a number of government clauses recently, Jimbo? Could it be something to do with the fact that the two main bills getting a hammering are:

1. The Health and Social Care bill which is the most anti-democratic bill in living memory given that the government has no electoral mandate whatsoever for the bill (it was never part of their campaign or manifesto even though it was a "reorganisation of the NHS that could be seen from outer space". Secondly the main measures of this bill like the dismantling of primary care trusts have already happened substantially even though the bill has not been passed yet. Can you think of a worse onslaught on civil liberties and the rule of law?

2. The Welfare Bill with its onslaught on disabled benefits.

"Also, I do not believe that the Coalition/ Tories have a natural propensity, as do New Labour, ie a need, a thirst, a desperation for control and surveillance of the population."

You are talking out of your Tory anal sphincter. About the only thing the Tories have done is cancel the identity card project. Unless you call Teresa May renaming "overnight curfews" in control orders as "overnight residency requirements" as a major change.

Well you don't have to take my word for it, have a look at this from your favourite newspaper. ... y-you.html

As for the press, if it hadnt been for Ed Miliband, the Tory government communications section would still be run by the News of the World in the form of Andy COulson.

Arise Frank Carson's replacement! When are you making an appearance on the remake of the COmedians?

THe Labour government had a poor record on civil liberties and this lot are no better.
David Johnson
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But Andy...

Post by David Johnson »

There isn't anything to worry about. It says so here ... ions-data/