Jeremy Clarkson

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Von Boy
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by Von Boy »

Cheers mate very interesting!! One final question... Did the army still use the sten gun or 'sterling???' in the 70's or were all troops issued with the rifle you mention??? It always looked a heavy rifle to carry?

Proud to be Von Boy
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by jimslip »

The problem with Clarkson is that he is not only a stupid, bullying buffoon, but he does a great disservice to all those of us who don't consider ourselves to be "Right on" or PC. The man is making ?millions from playing the bigotted fool and destroying the credibility of people who for example, hate cyclists, but like wind farms and wave power. Like the idea of electric car technology but still like fast cars. Think the public sector workers are spoilt buggers, but hate the bankers much, much, more.

Yes it is possible to do these things all at the same time. Clarkson bathes in an image of "psuedo stupidity" and rakes in a fortune because he "Says it like it is", personally I think he is a middle class, wine sipping liar, he's not even a genuine bigot. He is a manufactured bigot, he fills a 'Gap in the market' that's why I can't stand the cunt!

He is like a 21st Century, Ben Elton, a complete and utter sham.

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Sam Slater
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by Sam Slater »

And he's now having a pop at people who commit suicide, in the light of the Gary Speed tragedy.

He's right in that people who commit suicide ARE selfish. But Jesus, Mr. Clarkson, let Gary's wife and kids come to terms with the whole thing before opening your trap, eh? No fucking class whatsoever.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by JBA »

No only the people who throw themselves in front of a speeding train. Which I kinda think is fair enough.
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Re: William

Post by william »

Where do you think the pensions came from eh ?

These are sourced from shares and investments that they made when things were going well. Now its all going to pot and pensions are suffering. Were not all dropping dead at 65 and helath care is getting more expensive as less people are dying out.

Im not stupid and Im not complaining about these investments going down all I said was that they were and that I personally have been affected by what is going on. I still work damn hard and im not going on strike as I know that its pretty much everywhere....

I earn a decent salary - I work in a sector that allows me to live to a lifestyle that I enjoy, Its taken me a lot of investment and work to get there and I have every intention to ensure that I provide for my own future. Ive got shares and I contribute into a pension. Now Im not one to decry the public sector what I do object to is having them hold the country hostage. I dont want to go down a road again that has services and such disrupted due to a minority bank of militant workers that can see they are geting played against the government.

The country is pretty much in the pits just now - we sold our gold when it was at its lowest price and were reaping the benefits of an economey that has been royally screwed to benefit everyone else bar the ones that actually contributed to the UK.PLC. Politicians getting pensions that we can only dream about - and dont get me started on expenses - that just showed how corrupt these numpties are.
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by RoddersUK »

A train driver friend thinks people who jump in front of speeding trains are the stupidest most selfish saddoes there are. The disruption they cause is great. Some drivers are so traumatised that they won't work again. When travelling at speed no driver can do the slightest thing to prevent running over these jumpers. My friend takes a pragmatic approach and realising he can do nothing doesn't lose any sleep over it. He has had 2 jumpers in a week! A woman and 5 days later her husband at the same place. Now what are the odds on that? He thinks as Clarkson on this one. Change drivers if possible, pick up the big bits and carry on and let foxy clear up the bits spread over up to a mile of track.
Why these people can't buy loads of aspirin and a bottle of whiskey and end their lives in their own homes is beyond me. Perhaps they think that by jumping in front of a speeding train there will be no body for their loved ones to find.

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by jimslip »

How could that multimilllionaire buffoon possibly understand someone wanting to commit suicide? This is a man who could release a DVD with him farting on it and people would put it on their Xmas list and he'd make another
?million I'm surprised that him and Boris Johnson don't get together and make a Christmas record, maybe they could re release "Feed the World" as "Screw the World" or "Do they know it's Xmas- like do I give a fuck?"

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by Robches »

Von Boy wrote:

> Cheers mate very interesting!! One final question... Did the
> army still use the sten gun or 'sterling???' in the 70's or
> were all troops issued with the rifle you mention??? It always
> looked a heavy rifle to carry?

The Sten was deleted in the 1950s, the Sterling in the 1990s. All troops are now issued with the SA80, or L85 if you prefer. The current L85A2 is said to be fairly reliable following a ?90 million rebuild programme, but it is still heavy and balances like a piece of shit. If a rifle is nicely balanced, like the SLR, the weight is much less noticeable. The point of balance should be between the hands, but for the SA80 because of the way it is built, the weight is all at the back of the piece. The SA80 is as heavy as an SLR, and feels even heavier. The advantage of the Sterling was that it was a short, light weapon to be carried by soldiers who didn't need the weight and power of the SLR. Now they all get to carry a rifle which is short, but as heavy as an SLR. Some call it progress.
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by RoddersUK »

I agree totally Robches. The Belgian FN was taken and improved by BSA and became one of the best rifles in the world. It probably won't have the longevity of the SMLE .303, which is probably the finest example of the armourers art. The only problem was the rimmed round. If it had been a rimless round charging the magazine would have been much easier. Having fired them I can vouch for the fact that they had a serious recoil and if not pulled into the shoulder correctly the firer would receive an almighty kick, and it was very painful. Made you learn to hold the fucker properly I can tell you. The SLR firing the 7.62mm round had recoil but nowhere near as severe as the .303 round.

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by steve56 »

He said the N word should he be fired?