Jeremy Clarkson

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David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"Shares I have dropped and I lost a hell of a lot of money - money that I worked pretty darn hard to earn and save - I believed in a system that sadly failed me and nw Ill need to work till im well past retirement to make it back up."

I am sorry to hear that you lost a lot of money on the stock market. However, the system did not fail you. As you obviously know, the stock market is a casino and like all casinos there are risks. That is how the "system" that is the stock market, works. In the same way, many people who bought houses in 2006 probably think that the "system" let them down now that they are trying to sell their house today at a loss. It didn't let them down. Assets go up. They go down.

I do not think that has any connection with public sector workers who signed a contract with agreed terms and conditions and their employers then arbitrarily demanded that they work longer, pay more in order to get less just 3 years after they agreed with the then government, a downgrade of their terms and conditions that was allegedly going to last decades.

David Johnson
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Jim Slip

Post by David Johnson »

"The public sector live in an outdated dreamland,"

Wrong. They are workers prepared to defend themselves.

"when these pension schemes were dreamt up, the average male was dead by the age 67 "

Wrong. They had changes to their terms and conditions as recently as 2008 to reflect the fact that people were living longer.

"if he was lucky. Now everyone is living at least another 10 years and THERE JUST AIN'T ENOUGH MONEY TO GO AROUND"

Wrong. As the Office of Budget Responsibility pointed out the proportion of GDP that public sector pensions take up is going down over the next 40 years.

"but of course the concept of NOT ENOUGH MONEY is alien to those that inhabit the closeted and comfy world of the public sector."

Wrong. It may be true of MPs, Euro MPs and high paid public sector workers. But as for the nurses, care assistants, paramedics, firemen, teachers, cleaners, dinnerladies etc etc they will be delighted to hear about their "closeted and comfy world"

This is a better than average Jim Slip understanding of the issues.

Given you agreed with my comments a week ago, see below. Will the real Jim Slip stand up or are you just dicking around?

My statement...
"Day off to exercise a democratic right to strike in protest at having to work longer, pay more money and receive less pension at a time when you have had real terms pay cuts for a number of years and live in fear of losing your job - very bad reason for hitting output."

Your reply
"Totally agree"

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by Jonone »

It seems like the great way-out, to pass something off as a 'joke'. You can say yes it was insensitive, ill-timed, ill-judged, regrettable but at heart it was just me and my off-the-wall sense of humour. Me and my zany sense of humour.

It's where Bryan Ferry went wrong when he professed his admiration for Albert Spier, Nazi iconography and the Third Reich's packaging and sense of theatre. He should have pased it off as a joke !
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by RoddersUK »

The rifle was the L1A1 SLR, (Self Loading Rifle) which was the British version of the Belgian FN.
The main difference being a flash eliminator on the muzzle and the changing of the automatic firing switch to Fire or Safe, to prevent ammunition wastage. Don't forget, no matter how many rounds a weapon can fire some poor squaddie has to carry the stuff. Aimed single shots are much better and a good shot will always hit what he aims at. A 7.62mm round will take out anyone within 1000 yards.
Early versions were built with wooden furniture. In the 70's plastic furniture replaced the wood. This was stronger and generally lasted the life of the weapon.
I hope this answers your question.

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by RoddersUK »

I think they should be shot, though probably not in front of their families.

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Re: David

Post by jimslip »

Your usual diseection of my post doesn't amount to a hill of beans as usual. You are "chained to the railings" of the public sector edifice and simply cannot think out of the box as to their "Righteousness" David. You remind me of those Budhist monks who used to set themselves on fire to make a point, I can imagine you doing the same for the public sector workers, but why? They don't give a toss about you! Your intransigent Socialist beliefs have programmed you to defend their pensions to the death if needs be! i am sure you are sobbing all night even for the fat cat managers with pension pots of ?millions!

The pensions problem is the same in France as well, the plans were made many years ago, when people dropped down dead earlier than they do now and the union dinosuars simply cannot understand that they must adjust.

David! Put that petrol can away and put that box of matches back in the drawer and answer me this simple question that you've managed to continuously avoid, ie, what about all the poor buggers in the private sector that will get next to fuck all, when and if they ever retire?

Why are you not willing to even concede that they have a problem? Why will you not shed some of your tears for them? Are they not deserving of your sympathy for this reason? You suspect that because they do NOT work in public service, that they might NOT vote New Labour and therefore are no more than expendable vermin in your eyes and should be allowed to rot in poverty in their old age?

David, the diffrence between us, is that I am concerned for EVERYONE who works for a living. Not just those I presume support some self serving, corrupt, political
party........we are all in the shit, but the public sector have more protection than the rest of us and I am not willing to break down in tears and slash my wrists for them!

Somehow I don't think you'll find too many in the outside real world willing to join your, public sector, "Sob-fest" or self immolation more like, "If you've got an issue, heres a tissue!"

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
David Johnson
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Jim Slip

Post by David Johnson »

"David! Put that petrol can away and put that box of matches back in the drawer and answer me this simple question that you've managed to continuously avoid, ie, what about all the poor buggers in the private sector that will get next to fuck all, when and if they ever retire?

Why are you not willing to even concede that they have a problem?"

"Continuously avoid"



"Not willing to even concede that they have a problem?"

Wrong. See link above.

David Johnson
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Have a heart

Post by David Johnson »

Pity the poor dinnerlady slaving over her turkey twizzlers as she works her fingers to the bone feeding the little, angelic mites who come up to her each day saying "Can I have more, please, kind dinnerlady?"

Can you not find a small corner of that frozen wasteland you call your heart, Mr Slip to feel a gram of sympathy for Kind Dinnerlady?

No obvously not, because you have had your brain softened by Evil Media Machine to chant "How can it be fair that Kind Dinnerlady gets a gold plated pension, a large Mercedes and a yearly supply of turkey twizzlers when she retires and I, Jim Slip have to scavenge in the bins of retired public sector workers looking for caviar, foie gras and half filled bottles of champagne thrown out by the evil public sector workers?"

It can't be right! No indeed it can't.

To be continued. Next week how Wackford Squeers became a Tory hero.
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This country is fucked

Post by Ned »

The reaction to these comments, which were an obvious joke taken in context with the rest of the interview (he'd earlier said the strike was marvellous and added this bit in jest for the sake of "BBC balance") shows just what a nation of reactionary sad cunts Britain has become.

That stupid cunt on Question Time last night, wailing about Colombia and people in unions being executed, made me want to puke.

I've replied to you, oej, because you seem to get it and not to have a go.

Even if he'd said this stuff in isolation, when are people going to understand that Clarkson is a caricature of himself and everything he does is tongue in cheek?
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Re: This country is fucked

Post by Peter »

Ned wrote:

> Even if he'd said this stuff in isolation, when are people
> going to understand that Clarkson is a caricature of himself
> and everything he does is tongue in cheek?

I think Al Murray summed it up.

"Clarkson said something that made people angry; THAT'S WHAT HE DOES!!!"

We have need of you again, great king.