Jeremy Clarkson

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Von Boy
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by Von Boy »

Hey RoddersUk that was very interesting....

What rifle did the 7.62 fire from?? The only "gun" that I really know was the FN rifle, which if the grey cells are correct was Belgium ??

Proud to be Von Boy
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by Robches »

It would have been the L1A1 SLR, the British version of the FN FAL.
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by Flat_Eric »

Of course if some left-wing "alternative" comedian had said in jest on national TV that "David Cameron should be taken out and shot", you can bet your mortgage that all those numptys complaining about Clarkson would - far from being 'offended' - have been laughing uproariously and nodding in hearty agreement.

- Eric

David Johnson
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by David Johnson »

Although I think Clarkson is a knobhead, I find it daft that Unison were talking about suing him for saying that strikers should be shot in front of their families. Its hard to believe that this was a case of incitement and that anyone might take him seriously.

He's hardly famed as a poliitical commentator, more of a cliched, airhead presenter of programmes about cars which have no relevance than your average or importance than fourth rate soaps, for example.

In terms of cliched airheadness, now I realise why he is good mates with Cameron. They probably sit around over canapes and a good wine discussing how horrid and irresponsible these strikers are.

Actually now that I think about it, I like the idea of those two being dragged out and shot in front of their families. Only joking!

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by Jonone »

Won't be talking about music. Power ballads all the way for Jezza whilst Dave like the Smiths and a spot of his wife's ambient techno.
David Johnson
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by David Johnson »

When I listened to a playback of Clarkson, he was clearly just making a joke and taking the piss out of the BBC's famed impartiality - on the one hand he was saying the strikes in London were great because he could travel much more easily around London and then to balance that he said that strikers should be brought out and shot.

Not much of a joke, but a joke all the same.

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by william »

He may be a knobhead but he is one hell of a rich knobhead - dont forget what he does is carefully managed and controlled in a way that generates publicity and rakes in the money to its nearly xmas and quite a few people will be looking for gifts and all so getting his name up and in the chattering masses isnt such a bad thing. You could not buy publicity like this and coverage anywhere near as much as what he has done with this.

Anyways the real crux is the striking unions - once again they think they have the power to change this but sadly the unions have no power anymore. Thatcher saw to that. And I think quite a few of those peeps in the public sector need to get a reality check and see that the UK is bankrupt most of the west is bushed. or should that be blaired ? Im sorry and my heart bleeds for them all but they need to see that we have have had it hard - throwing the toys out the pram just now isnt going to achieve much more than pissing off the rest of the country who have suffered cuts and all sorts already. Shares I have dropped and I lost a hell of a lot of money - money that I worked pretty darn hard to earn and save - I believed in a system that sadly failed me and nw Ill need to work till im well past retirement to make it back up.

So get with the rest mate - understand that were all going through a shite time through no fault of our own.
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by jimslip »

william wrote:

> Shares I have dropped
> and I lost a hell of a lot of money - money that I worked
> pretty darn hard to earn and save - I believed in a system that
> sadly failed me and nw Ill need to work till im well past
> retirement to make it back up.
> So get with the rest mate - understand that were all going
> through a shite time through no fault of our own.

Your story is probably reflected throughout the UK by millions of others. The unsung heros, who work, pay tax and expect nothing for free, or in other words cannon fodder for governments to piss all over and bleed dry.

The public sector live in an outdated dreamland, when these pension schemes were dreamt up, the average male was dead by the age 67 if he was lucky. Now everyone is living at least another 10 years and THERE JUST AIN'T ENOUGH MONEY TO GO AROUND, but of course the concept of NOT ENOUGH MONEY is alien to those that inhabit the closeted and comfy world of the public sector.

They are as out of touch as bankers who can look down on the rest of us in the shit and then promptly award themselves a ?2,000,000 bonus.

Wouldn't it have been wonderful if that twat Clarkson had suggested lining up a few bankers and executing them? He would have been made prime minister!

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by william »

did you not spell bankers wrong mate?
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by Trumpton »

'Get in there Jezza my son!'.

Have you joined the 'Jeremy Clarkson For Prime Minister Campaign' yet?