News Of The World Closes Down!!

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James Murdoch...

Post by max_tranmere »

It is quite clear that Murdoch-junior is only in his senior role because daddy gave him a job way above what he would have got had it been down to himself. He would probably be working in McDonalds now if not for daddy Rupert. I heard a couple of years ago that he often speaks to his dad 30-40 times a day on the phone, proof if ever it were needed that daddy-Murdoch makes all the decisions and Murdoch-junior does very little except sit in a nice office and get paid huge money.
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Re: News Of The World Closes Down!!

Post by Dizzy »

I heard Rebecak Brooks has already sold her side of the story to Wicked pictures and they have shot a porn parody which will be released soon!
Dave Wells
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Re: Suggestions for the new name...

Post by Dave Wells »

How about Bullshit & Bollocks ?

Dave Wells
David Johnson
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Sam Slater/Number 6

Post by David Johnson »

"Nearly a quarter of the nation voted Lib Dem, number 6. "

About 23% more than the percentage that voted Lib Dem in the recent Inverclyde by election then.

"If you equate that to believing some of the stuff printed in the NOTW then fine. Just don't expect me to take you seriously."

Why did only 2% vote Lib Dem in that by election? Why did the Lib Dems get absolutely hammered in the May council elections? Mainly because the electorate realised that the Lib Dem general election manifesto was a pure fiction worthy of many a NOTW story and decided that the Lib Dems should not be "taken seriously".

Remind me, didn't you disappear from the forum shortly after the result of the AV vote and the council elections? Were you "Taking up yoga or tai chi chuan or something. Just trying to take your frustrations out "?

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Re: News Of The World Closes Down!!

Post by jimslip »

Wouldn't it be nice if this is what happened to the NOTW headquarters? Lol

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Bob Singleton
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Re: News Of The World Closes Down!!

Post by Bob Singleton »

As far as I'm concerned, it's a case of (as far as national newspapers go, anyway) one down, three to go!

I won't be happy until the whole Murdoch empire has crumbled.

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

- Stewart Lee
The Last Word
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Re: News Of The World Closes Down!!

Post by The Last Word »

Latest news: Andy Coulson has apparently been arrested. Wonder if his one phone call gets hacked.

Good tweet doing the rounds:

Cameron saying Coulson should be judged on the good work done for him.
A bit like praising Peter Sutcliffe for his lorry driving

"Let's do it..."
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Re: News Of The World Closes Down!!

Post by Peter »

The Last Word wrote:

> Good tweet doing the rounds:
> Cameron saying Coulson should be judged on the good work done
> for him.
> A bit like praising Peter Sutcliffe for his lorry driving

Others are that Millibrand (pictured) is complaining that he wasn't hacked, and Clegg even sent the NoW his pass code but they still didn't bother.

[img] ... 21455a.JPG[/img]

and a Twop Twip

Missing your Sunday morning fill of lies, bullshit and farcical stories? Replace the hole left by the NoW by simply going to church.

We have need of you again, great king.
David Johnson
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Slippery Cameron

Post by David Johnson »

Cameron's personal staff were informed by a number of people including the Guardian editor prior to taking on Coulson as media adviser that Coulson had employed a guy called Jonathan Reed who had a criminal record for blagging private information. He had already resigned from the News of the World over the phone hacking criminal convictions when Cameron appointed him.

So what does Cameron say this morning? He has done a good job for me and the country. He had been told nothing definite about Coulson's involvement in phone hacking. He was and is a friend.

