Daily Mail - Billy Bragg lives in a 1.5 Mil Joint

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Daily Mail - Billy Bragg lives in a 1.5 Mil Joint

Post by Deano! »

Yes I know he's allowed to and quite honestly I'm happy to see him be successful - after all, no one was ever forced to buy any of his dreary CDs. But I can't help but snigger at the fact that he lives in a mansion in Dorset.

Ready made response:-

cut and paste - "And your point is?"

My ready made reply:-

" " (write whatever you want here and I'll make it my response)

Yours in sillyness.
Phwooorr...look at her....CRASH
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Re: Daily Mail - Billy Bragg lives in a 1.5 Mil Joint

Post by Robches »

How strange that the left wing minstrel should choose to live as lord of the manor in a village in Dorset. What's wrong with the bracing multi-culturalism of inner London?
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Re: Daily Mail - Billy Bragg lives in a 1.5 Mil Joint

Post by Peter »

Who does he think he is, Diane Abbott?

We have need of you again, great king.
Essex Lad
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Re: Daily Mail - Billy Bragg lives in a 1.5 Mil Joint

Post by Essex Lad »

You could probably buy quite a few houses in Barking for that money. Funny how once someone has made money they move away from their roots. Just think of all the Scousers who boast of their love for Liverpool...from their mansions in Surrey or Alderley Edge.
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Re: Daily Mail - Billy Bragg lives in a 1.5 Mil Joint

Post by davey »

Champagne socialism at its best.He seems obsessed about forcing diversity and multiculturalism on the good people of Barking and Dagenham but doesnt seem to want to "embrace and celebrate" it himself, but would rather live in a place that is "hideously white".Strange chap

number 6
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Re: Daily Mail - Billy Bragg lives in a 1.5 Mil Joint

Post by number 6 »

Don't see what the problem is. The guy lives in a big house,who cares. Im sure he would willingly pay more taxes too. Since when has it been a rule that you can't be a socialist and want a more equal society and live in a mansion. You can be both.
David Johnson
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Re: Daily Mail - Billy Bragg lives in a 1.5 Mil Joint

Post by David Johnson »

Well he didnt get his money from his family, rather through his own efforts as a performer, doesn't lecture the unemployed and accuse them of being workshy and as far as I am aware doesn't use tax loopholes to avoid paying tax.

If he had done these things, he would probably be George Osborne, I guess.

David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

The BNP got wiped out in Barking because they realised how shite the BNP councillors were which is why they lost all of their seats and they also realised that Griffin was a buffoon.

Unless you are arguing they were all brainwashed by Billy Bragg.

David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

Can you pass on my best wishes to the Daily Mail, this story has really opened my eyes?

A Labour politician having an expensive lunch, whatever next?

I suppose it could be a tax avoiding, public schoolboy educated politician who had a nice line in wrecking restaurants as a jolly jape at Oxford University, with a multi-million bank balance entirely down to his parents who fills his time lecturing the unemployed that they are workshy and that we are all in it together and unlike Alan Johnson has absolutely no experience of the lives that Joe Public have.

Oops, I have got mixed up with that cunt, George Osborne.
