Slag Rooney on his way?

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Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

In the words of the late, great Peter Cook, basically he's a cunt.
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Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Post by mrmcfister »

If he wasnt a great footballer he'd be walking around in a shell suit selling drugs...I now rank him as scum however many goals he may score...Alex F bottled it too..should have fucked him off
Dave Wells
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Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Post by Dave Wells »

I think he would never ever play for Liverpool, no matter how much they would offer.

Dave Wells
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Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Post by RoddersUK »

I think they want to keep him so no one else can use him.
Fergerson should keep the useless bastard on the benches out of spite.

Dave Wells
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Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Post by Dave Wells »

So it was a ruse all along to get more money by his agent, obviously not him he's a thicko !

Dave Wells
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Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Post by Flat_Eric »

mrmcfister wrote:


He's not a great footballer though. He's a pikey twat who showed promise and happened to have a good Euro 2004, on the back of which he got a lucky break when the purple twat decided to take him to Surrey United. Right stage at the right time and all that. Since then he's basically been living off past glories and media hype.

Okay he had a good season last term, but he's been piss-poor in every major tournament for England since, and he's been hit & miss for ManUre as well at times.

Overrated, overhyped, overpaid.

- Eric

Sam Slater
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Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]He's not a great footballer though.[/quote]

He is. He's no Messi, or Ronaldo, but then again who is (apart from them?).

Get yourself down to Hillsborough for a few games. After watching Neil Mellor continually fall over his own feet you might see Rooney in a new light! !blues!

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Post by Flat_Eric »

No Sam, he isn't.

He's "good", sure (or should I say, he *can* be good / has been good). But he's not "great". Not by any meaningful stretch of the definition.

He's been hyped up in the media at times as "great". But I'm sure you'd be the first to agree Sam that you shouldn't always believe everything you read in the papers, wouldn't you?!

And to say that he's "better than Neil Mellor" isn't really saying much either. You're not exactly setting the bar very high with that comparison!

- Eric

David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

I can see ticket prices at Old Trafford shooting up now to pay for this deal, now that United have to find an extra ?80K+ a week

As usual it is the fans that will get a kicking.

Sam Slater
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Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Post by Sam Slater »

Nothing to do with the media.

Fergie thinks he's worth ?150,000-?200,000pw and Ancelloti, Mourinho and Mancini were all rubbing their hands together at the prospect of getting him. I think you have to be more than just good to become the top earner at Manchester United.

I don't see what all the fuss is about to be honest. He left Everton to win trophies so Man Utd can hardly complain if he wanted to move on if he thought the club was on the slide. And as for loyalty: the club would sell him at the drop of a hat if he wasn't good enough so it's hypocritical to just demand loyalty one way. As Roy Keane said: he should look after number one because when his time's up, they'll not bat an eyelid at moving him on.

And anyway, Gerrard's done this twice already at Liverpool (his hometown club as well) and it's not done him any harm with the kop.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]