Blackpool the new Houston?

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David Johnson
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Blackpool the new Houston?

Post by David Johnson »

A company backed by former BP chief, Lord Browne starts drilling for shale gas this week in the Blackpool area. This gas counts for nearly 50% of gas production in the US. According to the company, "We're quite confident that we'll find gas ? it's just whether we find gas in economic quantities. " ... -blackpool

Blackpool seems to have everything, really. The most popular seaside resort in Britain, a Premier League team that will be challenging for honours this season and now in at the start of the rush for a new source of UK energy which is going to revolutionise British industry.

Anybody, know where I can buy a stetson hat and the theme tune to Dallas? Do they offer discounts on Cadillac convertibles do you know or will I have to pay cash?

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Re: Blackpool the new Houston?

Post by rgb »

There's been a lot of oil and gas exploration in the UK over the years. I was involved in supporting geophysical exploration in Poole Harbour about 20 years ago.
Some leafy parts of Surrey have got oil wells quietly pumping away.

David Johnson
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Re: Blackpool the new Houston?

Post by David Johnson »

"I was involved in supporting geophysical exploration in Poole Harbour about 20 years ago. ".

Interested in a joint venture, drilling in my garden !happy!

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Re: Blackpool the new Houston?

Post by rgb »

Some people around the Houston area have actually got oil wells in their own small backyards and live off the proceeds.

As the guy who was driving me around said: "Pop sits on the porch in his rocking chair shouting to his wife in the garden - 'Keep that thing greased up, Mabel!' ".

David Johnson
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Re: Blackpool the new Houston?

Post by David Johnson »

I'm liking the idea of this more and more. I'll put a phone call into that nice Tony Hayward at BP before he is exiled to Siberia to see if he will provide some start-up capital for me.

A few million should do very well as a first instalment.

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Re: Blackpool the new Houston?

Post by randyandy »

David Johnson wrote:

> Blackpool seems to have everything, really. The most popular
> seaside resort in Britain, a Premier League team that will be
> challenging for honours this season

Don't know whether to !laugh! or be !puke!

Donkey Lashers will win one thing this season: the wooden spoon


David Johnson
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Re: Blackpool the new Houston?

Post by David Johnson »

You can just taste the jealousy !happy!.

I'm sure Preston will do quite well this season. What's that song again. "We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when".

On a serious note though, Chairman "short arms, deep pockets" Oyston will probably ensure that Blackpool's stay in the Premier League is short, but hey a year is better than nothing as most Preston supporters would agree!

Il doctori
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Re: Blackpool the new Houston?

Post by Il doctori »

Having been to Blackpool many times over the years ( my brother lives there) I can honestly say the best things about Blackpool are the roads out of it. !oops!
David Johnson
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Re: Blackpool the new Houston?

Post by David Johnson »

Have you ever been to Stevenage or Slough? Believe me, Blackpool is Venice compared to them.

Its the most popular seaside resort in the UK, home of a number of architectural gems such as the Winter Gardens and Tower Ballroom so it can't be all bad.

You're not one of these soft southerners who expects boutique hotels, reiki healing shops and guacamole everywhere you go, are you?

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Re: Blackpool the new Houston?

Post by Robches »

Will they be using the tower as a drilling rig?