Indy 500 Smash!!

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Indy 500 Smash!!

Post by crofter »

Brit Mike Conways Indy 500 smash from the weekend!nervous!

ouch .... seems he managed to get away with just a broken leg!!

Race was one by Scottsh World Champ Dario Franchitti btw.!cigar!

PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
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Re: Indy 500 Smash!!

Post by Ned »

Another Brit from a couple of years ago crashing at 160mph in the Champ Car series. Kathy Legge
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Re: Indy 500 Smash!!

Post by alicia_fan_uk »

It always amazes me how millions of pounds worth of motor vehicle breaks into thousands of pieces on impact, like some kid's model collectable.

And crofter, he may have escaped with "just a broken leg", but he's now shitting himself as I hear his car insurance is up for renewal next month...
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Re: Indy 500 Smash!!

Post by DJ_Jenns »

His left leg is shattered and has a complicated spinal injury.

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Re: Indy 500 Smash!!

Post by ECG1 »

"All you European snobs need to shut the fuck up about formula 1 being the best. This is America and we like Indy and Nascar and we don't give a rat's ass about F1 and your overpriced piece of shit eurotrash cars that cost a fortune to replace parts. If you don't like it, get the fuck out of here and go shove your dick in the tailpipe of a ferrari."

You have to love those Youtube comments.