15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

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15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by jimslip »

My question to the wise folk of BGAFD, noted throughout society for their fair minded and balanced views is:

If you had the power, what justice would you dispense on the young scamps/ scamp that perpetrated this crime?

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Bob Singleton
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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by Bob Singleton »

Jim, the bigger question isn't the form of justice to be dispensed, but how we turn back the tide of lack of respect.

Parents are powerless, teachers are powerless (I'm not advocating a return to the days you and I would remember of teachers throwing board rubbers at pupils' heads and indiscriminate canings, but something has to be done to return discipline to the classroom), even the police are powerless.

While kids can wander around harassing people, being involved in petty criminal activities without any come back, so they will get more and more out of hand.

Maybe it's because the media is everywhere nowadays (thanks to 24 hour rolling news coverage, the public being able to forward photos and videos taken on phones, etc) but I don't recall so many child on child deaths when I was growing up 30/40 years ago. I know some will poo-poo the very idea, but I genuinely believe that so many kids playing violence-based video games has some part to play in the degeneration of society.

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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by jimslip »

You said
"Jim, the bigger question isn't the form of justice to be dispensed, but how we turn back the tide of lack of respect"

I think the two things are intertwined, ie "Respect" and "Justice". I think that it's frightening that this particular crime was committed in broad daylight with hundreds of witnesses. In other words the perpetrators didn't give a damn as to either the consequesnces of their actions or the shock to the people around them.

In other words, you are right, they have "No respect" for anything or anyone. I don't want to sound like the Daily Mail, but I would love to see an experiment where some offenders were given , say x years, normal youth custody, ie ps3's, plasmas etc etc or half/x years but, hard labour, ie 5am wakeups, breaking rocks and running until 7pm and then bed. Solitary confinement if rules broken and every benefit having to be earned.So they start with nothing, no TV, no recreation facilities and they must work to earn every little thing. In return they serve half the sentence, if they reoffend they return to prison and start all over again for the remaining term.

I know this idea isn't PC and if any politician suggested it, he/she could be taken away for, "Re-programming" but I wonder what the reoffending rate would be like on the release of the offenders?

Unfortunately: Justice + fear = RESPECT (Grudging it maybe, but who gives a toss?)

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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by Jonone »

What's the definition of a mob ? The mental image of 'mob' would tend to suggest 20+ This is only relevant in terms of the news reporting which perhaps exaggerates the numbers involved. Still, a life has been lost, there is an individual or persons directly responsible for this and a number of accessories who have contributed to the boy's grim end.

They should all be brought to justice.
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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by jimslip »

The general definition of a "Mob" is a "Disorganised group of people." Since this group of 20 or so seemed to be hellbent on violently attacking an individual, and subsequently, said individual was indeed stabbed to death, I think we could safely attribute the word, "Crazed" to them! Hence my use of the term, "Crazed mob."

But, to be sure, I expect a defence barrister will suggest that the death was merely a result of "High jinx" on the part of a group of playful youngsters and the individual who passed away, would have indeed lived, had he not fallen on a knife that was innocently being held by one of the young scamps, who was actually intending to peel an orange as part of his 5 a day eating regime. Furthermore the holder of the knife intends to take action against the victims family, to recover costs for his inconvenience at being held on remand, as he was unable to service his normal social diary. He expects to receive a 5 figure sum and have the victims parents turfed out of their house in order to pay the costs. "This is the minimum wot I expect, cos me Human fucking rights 'ave been transgressed like" the accused stated in court."

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Sarah Kelly
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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by Sarah Kelly »

That there seems to be no thought of consequences,no consideration of their actions and even less to the victims,says alot about the state of our society today.. I would make a terrible despot and put the worst cases of violent crime and repeat offenders of violence either in a tough American prison..(lets see them want to re-offend now) or put them away until they can show they are rehabilitated.That many wont or cant would be fine - they can stay inside. Im sure the overall cost to society is less than having them at liberty.......... and if they knew the time WASNT worth the crime,and there were real consequences to their actions,that it may dissuade a few is all good.. and thumbsrews..id like to see the introduction of thumbscrews..

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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by jimslip »

You're asking for trouble with that kind of talk!!! Sounds more than a little veangeful and totally lacking in love, concern and understanding for the killer/s, you bad, misguided girl!!tut!!tut!!tut!

No, seriously I think this will be the actual outcome. A person or persons will be prosecuted for manlaughter, not murder. The police will (as usual) give it a go but the CPS will tell them it'll be easier to get a conviction on a charge of manslaughter (as usual) With the usual mitigation, social worker/ psychological/ background reports the killer will probably get 3-5 years at most and be out in 1.5 years or less. He will be then free to walk past his victims house and put 2 fingers up at the occupants!

Welcome to justice (Or the lack of it) UK style and this is why a gang of youths feels they can run amok in broad daylight through one of London's main railway stations and ultimately stab someone to death in front of witnesses and probably dozens of CCTV cameras.

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Dick Moby
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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by Dick Moby »

This justice system sucks.
If somebody breaks into my house and I hit him in the face with a baseball bat, I'm simply protecting my property. If someone breaks into my house, sees me with a baseball bat and tries to run away, then I hit him, I'm guilty of assault.
If a person breaks into my house and gets injured by ANY means then surely the fault is his for being in a place he should not lawfully be.
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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by Jonesy »

The only way to save this country now is to turn it into a fascist state with complete lock-down and have death squads going around eradicating all the vermin who make decent law abiding peoples lifes a misery.
David Johnson
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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by David Johnson »

Can you provide a link to the BNP's Election Manifesto then please?