Auf Wiedersehen Pet

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Re: Auf Wiedersehen Pet

Post by welkram »

Yes, they were all great TV characters - much like Yosser Hughes and his scouser mates. Was always pleased to see them living in Germany because I for one would never have wanted any of them to live next door to me.
Sam Slater
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Re: Auf Wiedersehen Pet

Post by Sam Slater »

Is this the programme where Brits had to go abroad to become economic migrants?

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Dave Wells
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Re: Auf Wiedersehen Pet

Post by Dave Wells »

I loved this prog. Cannot seperate any of them really series wise or who I liked the best. Probably leaning towards Oz. Moment would be him at start of second series I think being frisked by immigration at Newky airport when asked to be searched up his arse he says "What d'use expect to find up there, Newcastle Utd's new centre forward?"

Magical comic genius !

Dave Wells
David Johnson
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Hated it

Post by David Johnson »

Nah, I hated it. When I went along with the EU, I thought we were getting increased, export markets for German businesses. And we ended up getting flooded with hundreds of thousands of Britishers.

We were sold down the river by German politicians. I didn't vote for Frankfurt to be turned into some British colony, full of Britishers with their funny, smelling foods. I felt like the country I grew up in, no longer existed. If these Britishers made some effort to learn the language and integrate it would have been something.

No chance, they herded together like schweinhund, undercutting German workers, doing German workers out of jobs, moaning about not being able to see Birmingham City on the television in the bars and saving all their money for their families back home rather than spending it on German businesses. Germany is going to hell in a handcart with this lot.

And all the time, moan, moan, moan. If Germany is so bad, why don't they piss off back to England then. Eh? Eh?

Dick Moby
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Re: Auf Wiedersehen Pet

Post by Dick Moby »

Not a chance. The Gestapo and SS are on the prowl.
David Johnson
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Porn Historian/Dick Moby

Post by David Johnson »

Porn Historian, I am merely giving my views as a true, proud German! Are you English going to collude in sending me off to Morocco for my genitals to be slashed just for doing that?

And another thing, when I was having my bratwurst whilst reading Der Bild I came across a story about Britishers who were on strike with the slogan "British jobs for British workers".

Can you believe that? After we had hundreds of thousands of Thatcher rejects over here, stealing German jobs. I tell you, convert these Britisher brains into chocolate and you still wouldn't have enough to fill a Smartie. They will be asking us for a foreign aid next, eh Dick?

And another thing, in Der Bild it was saying that the Englishers breed faster than us Germans. Apparently by 2040 all Germans are going to be English.

Can you believe that, mein friends?

Auf wiedersehen, indeed.
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Re: Auf Wiedersehen Pet

Post by Jonesy »

Series 1 looks a tad wooden as some of the actors, it was their first foray on TV, but series 2 was my favourite, cleverly split between Thornley Manor and Spain.
Fave characters were Wayne and Moxey, worst were Neville with his constant whining and moaning. Liked Oz first 2 series, but by series 3 he was too far up his arse.
Series 3 had some moments, but 4 and 5 were tosh and a shameless cash-in.
I met Tim Healy once and said I was a fan and he said;

'I dooooooo'nt wanna tak aboot Auf Weidersehen Pet bonny lad'*

* 'I don't want to talk about Auf Weidersehen, Pet mate'

I asked him if thats the case why did he do such dire sequels and he ignored that and his MILF wife glared at me.
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Re: Auf Wiedersehen Pet

Post by Floydoid »

Favourite series - 1
Favourite episode - The Girls They Left Behind
Favourite character - Oz
Favourite moment - when the hut catches fire and Moxy (ex-arsonist) commenting 'it's just like the old days'.

Is it any wonder that the monkey's confused?