Hi great site
I was wondering if any of you porn officionado's could help me to identify this girl. Strictly speaking she is from a mag or paper pull out rather than video. Her name is Michelle she is described as being 21 and from middlesbrough (could be made up location and that this is from a few years back ) on the others side of the poster is LDM who is described as being 26. I thought one of you salty dogs may be able to help me as Ive noticed a few of you are from that neck of the woods. She is the "poster" in a spread called bare and naked celebrities I do not know if it is from a porn mag or a pullout from a paper. Does her pretty face ring a bell for anyone??
Close up of her face rotated
Already Ive been forced to spend hours looking at pictures of gorgeous naked brit girls to try to identify her. Will continue my "research" under duress but as Ive had no luck so far I thought it best to ask the experts.
tnx if you can point me in the right direction.