Baby Peter's killers, sentences too lenient..

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Re: Baby Peter's killers, sentences too lenient..

Post by max_tranmere »

Whatever happens to them on the wing is their problem. If they have to live in extreme fear to the point of only just being able to keep it together then so be it. Prison should be hell for people like her and the other two - they tortured and killed a baby for fun for gods sake. Why should anyone care if they have bad things happen to them?
Sam Slater
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Re: Baby Peter's killers, sentences too lenient..

Post by Sam Slater »

[qoute]Whatever happens to them on the wing is their problem.[/quote]

No it isn't, it's the problem of the prison authorities.

[quote]If they have to live in extreme fear to the point of only just being able to keep it together then so be it.[/quote]

Yes; so but it. They don't 'have' to live in extreme fear, though, so no 'so be it' for you.

[qoute]Prison should be hell for people like her and the other two.[/quote]

No, prison should be for keeping in people who are deemed a threat to society, or as a punishment for breaking the law - that punishment being the giving up their right to freedom for a while. It's never been about 'hell'.

[quote]Why should anyone care if they have bad things happen to them?[/quote]

Because of a lot of things. It could turn out they were innocent; it could turn out they are mentally ill, but more importantly we should care because we're civilised and civilised societies don't torture and kill people as punishment for things they do. Not when denying them their freedom is punishment without resorting to barbarism.

Let's turn the question around: Why should anyone care if they don't have bad things happen to them? Why do you care so much that they are protected while in jail?

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Baby Peter's killers, sentences too lenient..

Post by max_tranmere »

Sam, I dont know how you think there is a possibility they might be innoocent. On your other point, it would be nice if bad things DID happen to them. One, they morally deserve it; two, if is was reported on the news it may deter other people because they would know what shit they would get in jail, rather than jail be the holiday-camp that most people think it is nowdays; and three, it always makes me smile to know bad people have bad things come their way - it proves the old 'what goes around come around' maxim has some truth to it! Maybe it is a fair world after all!
Sam Slater
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Re: Baby Peter's killers, sentences too lenient..

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]Sam, I dont know how you think there is a possibility they might be innoocent.[/quote]

I don't think they are. What I know is that innocent people have been convicted before and will be in the future.

[quote]On your other point, it would be nice if bad things DID happen to them.[/quote]

I can't see how something bad happening to someone could ever be 'nice'. I can grasp how a bad act for the greater good could be termed regrettable, but never nice. If I could go back in time and kill Hitler I'd never call it 'nice'.

[quote]One, they morally deserve it[/quote]

Ah. An aficionado of ethics I see. Well, for a humble layman like me can you explain the morality in your views? Cheers.

[quote]if is was reported on the news it may deter other people because they would know what shit they would get in jail,[/quote]

Yeah, because child-killers really have stuff like that go through their heads when they're breaking a little girls ribs. They look at it really philosophically and weigh up the positives and negatives just before laying into the kiddie, don't they?

[quote]and three, it always makes me smile to know bad people have bad things come their way[/quote]

I must admit that I wouldn't share any tears for them if anything bad came their way. What I'm talking about is planned, purposeful violence and the blood-lust people like you seem to have.

Again, there's nothing civilised about letting a mob loose on a murderer. Now, I understand that people get angry about such crimes but anger is an emotion, not a rational thought. Understanding the anger is one thing but letting that anger rule the justice system doesn't seem like something a society in the 21st century should be encouraging.

If you want barbarism then there are plenty of countries for you to migrate to where you can enjoy all the mob rule you want. Why stay in a hand-wringing place like western Europe when there's public hangings and castrations in other parts of the globe for you to enjoy.

Call me weird but some murderers getting kicked to death by a load of convicts would give me no pleasure at all.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]