With regards to hardcore on cable, it wont happen because cable channels can only show movies with the following certificates: U,PG,12,15,18, it states clearly in the ITC's programming code that R18 films are not permitted (which is where you'll find hardcore, but only in licensed 'sex shops'!).
All the material on the adult channel / tvx etc. has been classified to 18 certificate ('sex film') standards by the BBFC, where 'sex film' means basically it is a porno and wont be on sale in WHSmiths. Penetration and other stuff isnt allowed @ 18, neither are on screen erections as far as I remember, although the BBFC tend to be quite lenient sometimes with 'sex films' these days @ 18 which explains why you might get the odd glimpse of something decent, but don't expect full hardcore anytime soon, that is unless the Adult Channel and Desmond decide to take the ITC to court to force a change in the guidelines (which they could easily do and indeed achieve as a judge will laugh the ITC's restrictive programming code out of court), but dont expect this anytime soon either as the Adult Channel and TVX do a nice business of promising hardcore and delivering what they legally can show (all the softcore porners are guilty of this, the worst though is definatly Sullivan), and dont forget they benefit from the protection racket offered by the ITC and Chris Smith when they proscribe hardcore (foreign) satellite channels and put them out of business.
It's a nice setup, and neither will show R18's or breach their ITC license and take the ITC to court to force them to accept hardcore because they're pussy's, literally!