Michael Jackson Tickets

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Michael Jackson Tickets

Post by mrmcfister »

Fuck me has the world gone mad?Tickets for these shows are going for over ?300 each.The bloke can hardly walk let alone do the stuff he did 20 years ago.He will be turning up late/cancelling shows...etc This is a farce.Mark my words a load of people will be really pissed this summer but what does MJ care ..he'll be millions richer and will just be turning up.The shows will be crap and he will go waltzing off to his la la land with his mask,pyjamas and rather strange children...you heard it here first!!KEEP HOLD OF YOUR HARD EARNED!!!!
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Re: Michael Jackson Tickets

Post by mrchapel »

I hear kids go free though

Bukkake shots where you are with a few other guys...is fucking gay.

In fact, about pulling trains with a woman...you wanna have sex with other guys and mix your sperm with theirs...you're just using a woman as a conduit.

Fag..--Inside Clyde
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Re: Michael Jackson Tickets

Post by Flat_Eric »

From an artistic point of view, I can see these shows being a complete embarrassment.

And from what I can gather, he won't even be doing any new material - just rehashing all his old stuff.

Although as you say, why should he care as he heads off to the bank afterwards to cash his seven-figure cheque, pausing along the way only briefly to look in a shop window to make sure that his nose is still attached to his face.

Personally, I've never understood why people are willing to pay silly money (especially to touts) for tickets to see ANYTHING - be it Michael Jackson, Led Zeppelin at the O2, Wimbledon, the Cup Final or whatever. And all the hoops you have to jump through these days in order to get tickets via official channels for certain events, what with all this application and registration nonsense.

Are people that fucking desperate just to be able to say "I was there" or to "experience the atmosphere"?

Well 'Bollocks to that', I say. I for one simply can't be arsed. There's no-one or nothing I've ever been THAT desperate to see. If I can't just order a ticket for a sensible price without getting caught up in all the undignified and time-consuming clamour, I'd rather just wait for the DVD and crack open a six-pack in the comfort of my living room. Cheers!

- Eric

Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Michael Jackson Tickets

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Why do I have an odd feeling that these gigs will be dreadful? He is so far past his sell-by date.
I recall the hype over his outdoor gigs in the 80s and supposedly how much they cost to set up. Dave Gilmour said he was being ripped by the promoters and Floyd could have done a much better show for half the money. He learnt his lesson after the sell out Wall tour lost money.
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Re: Michael Jackson Tickets

Post by Fieldy »

Overhyped, Oversold and Overhere. Why will the Americans not pay to see the "farce" he has become?
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Re: Michael Jackson Tickets

Post by colonel »

Ere- You Want To Get Starting Something?
one eyed jack
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Re: Michael Jackson Tickets

Post by one eyed jack »

Ha ha ha..Can somebody show me the way to the I hate Michael Jackson corner please? Oh this must be it. You can really feel the love around here.

Where do you guys get your info from?

The tickets start from ?50 - ?75...?300 is for the mugs who buy off ticket touts.

...And what new stuff? If he wasnt doing the old stuff he'd be mad because his old stuff like Thriller and Off The Wall was his best stuff

one eyed jack
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Re: Michael Jackson Tickets

Post by one eyed jack »

I guess Ill see you lot down there then !happy!

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Re: Michael Jackson Tickets

Post by Fieldy »

Could someone please explain to me why his fans are so loyal, I just do not get it!!

He has screwed his own future up by his own actions "of the past", I don't accept that he was "naive" of what he was doing. And that he was found inocent of "those" charges, seems for wont of a better word "weird"

To me, and this is just my personal opinion, early music I liked, but there must have been a seed of doubt placed in his mind for him to want to alter his apearance "I don't accept that his skin tone is down to a "genetic flaw" look at his brothers, and the surgeon should have told him to stop years ago, but the fans do like him " WHY ?"

His whole character seems "flawed" and craveing love and it seems the only way that he can get it is off fans , and not the family that he should be getting the support from.