Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

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Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Post by JonnyHungwell »

Two people were arrested at the protest - ONLY the two arrested weren't the extremist lunatics, they were those complaining against the extremists! You can just imagine the police panicking and running scared at something starting ---- so the decision had to be made to arrest the ones who are innocent. Wouldn't want to upset the local minority community! - Gordon Brown said he's disappointed, what a dickhead, he should be stopping their benefits and sending them over to Morocco.
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Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Post by randyandy »

I would never have happened but I would have to have seen the wankers explain themselves and their name calling face to face with the squaddies, not hiding behind the police knowing full well they could make their spineless rants and not get the kicking they so richly deserved.

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Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Post by belfast_birty »

It appears that Bedfordshire's plod ''pre-approved'' this demo.Hopefully some senior officer will fall on his sword/bayonet-but I doubt it.
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Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Post by Flat_Eric »

If they hate the West so much, then they should fuck off to Pakistan or Afghanistan or some other Muslim country.

I wish that the government weren't so tolerant (even encouraging) towards these Islamic twats. Because it's the worst and most dangerous kind of appeasement.

Have you noticed as well: they want to be "British" when it suits them (freedom of speech, getting passports, claiming benefits, importing their extended families etc.), but also Islamic / Asian when it suits them (as in "our culture, our traditions and our religion must be respected at all times, and the wrath of Allah shall fall upon anyone who doesn't do so").

It may be 'politcially incorrect' to say so, but the stark, uncomfortable truth is that Islam (or at least *radical* Islam) and Western-style secular democratic systems are totally and utterly incompatible - and no amount of trying to pretend otherwise and all this namby-pamby, multi-culti bollocks that we're constantly being force-fed by NuLabour will ever change that.

What also gets me is that these people are constantly carping on about their "rights" and "sensitivities" - something that would get trampled underfoot in their contries of origin if they were to step out of line there.

The UK should stop pandering to these cunts once and for all and they should be goiven a clear choice: Stop stirring up trouble and hatred - or fuck off and go live in under an Islamic regime somewhere. And bollocks to their "rights and sensitivities".

- Eric

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Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Post by hammer4life »

So theyre not happy with british soliders bombing their motherland and when the british soldiers return to britain they feel it neccesary to hurl abuse at the british soldiers.

Is it me or is the simplest soloution of sending the fuckers all back home just staring us right in the face???
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Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Post by boothy25uk »

all id do is simple. id line all of them up , on national tv. and let the army shoot the lot of them for insulting our brave lads. round em up and deport the lot. bnp.

have a peep at my pics on the link
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Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Post by bogwort »

So let me see,

Its ok for the taliban to beat the shit out of women and children.

Hang ang mutilate them for being accused of whatever their whim is.

Murder torture and kill Afghans because they can.

I must be correct because when the taliban where in power i don't recall these snivelling pieces of dog excrement protesting outside the Afghan embassy about it.

I don't see them outside the Pakistani embassy protesting that muslims are killing muslims every day in Pakistan.

I don't see them protesting about the regime in Saudi Arabia torturing and killing its own citizen every day.


Its time to tell the pseudo intellectual navel gazers in power in this country to fuck off and send these shitstains packing.

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Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Post by max_tranmere »

Reggie. As I said at the top there is a differnce between hating the political administration of the day (the Labour Government) and hating the UK. Love the country, love the Head of State, love the Army, just dislike the political administration. These dickheads in Luton hate the UK. They should be applauding the soldiers and just disliking the Government. I would throw these arseholes out of Britain. These people demand loyalty from Britain and demand to be treated equally. They will take a lot from this country. In return they should loyalty TO this country. If not they should be expelled from it! That will never happen of course.
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Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Post by max_tranmere »

Eric, well said!