Breaking news on Sky

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Breaking news on Sky

Post by JonnyHungwell »

Prince Charles plays polo with a bloke affectionately known as 'SOOTY', down at Cirencester Polo Club for Toffs & Racists.

Is there no real news?
number 6
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Re: Breaking news on Sky

Post by number 6 »

You won't get real news on Sky news.
Cactus Jack
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Re: Breaking news on Sky

Post by Cactus Jack »

I don't understand. If a bloke likes it when another man shoves a hand up his arse and works him like a glove-puppet, how can that be racist?

Are you actually speaking english, or are you just making up words as you go along? I do that too...
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Re: Breaking news on Sky

Post by JonnyHungwell »

That Sweep was a right bad bugger - and Sweet Sue was a bit of a slut by all accounts.
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Re: Breaking news on Sky

Post by beutelwolf »

Can someone explain to me why the SOOTY nickname is supposed to be racist? I remember Keith Vaz making a fuss about it on the news, but I still fail to see a racial connection...

So what is this all about?
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Re: Breaking news on Sky

Post by fatmick »

Sooty as in coal soot.....get it now?
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Re: Breaking news on Sky

Post by WigBilly »

Surely 'sooty' is only offensive towards people of African or Afro-Caribbean descent, seeing as Asians have coffee-coloured skin which is nowhere near sooty-black. This storm-in-a-teacup is just the PC Brigade looking for something to get all self-righteous & indignant about yet again.
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Re: Breaking news on Sky

Post by mrmcfister »

Is that the stepfather of Harry Hewitt ? The one who has a valet hold a specimen bottle whilst he gives a specimen?Sooty is a great name for dumb Asians who like to be part of the 'in crowd'.Acquiesence is easier you see.Calling an Asian/Black etc is racist and anyone that thinks otherwise is an Auchan from the planet Tossus.