Female Teacher to be struck for sex with 15yo

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Female Teacher to be struck for sex with 15yo

Post by Floydoid »

[quote]A TEACHER'S career is in tatters after she admitted having sex with a 15-year-old boy.

Alison Smith, 29, handed herself into police and confessed to a one-night stand with the teenager.

She has quit her post as a special needs teacher at an Aberdeen school. She had already been suspended from her job.

Now she could be struck off by teaching bosses and banned from working with kids again.[/quote]

Is it any wonder that the monkey's confused?
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Re: Female Teacher to be struck for sex with 15yo

Post by Jonone »

15 - 29 .. age inappropriate isn't it ?
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Re: Female Teacher to be struck for sex with 15yo

Post by Jonone »

Besides which, when she started the job she would be aware of what she could and couldn't do. Shaggings students is a 'can't do'. It's like a bank teller helping themselves .. you can't do it !
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Re: Female Teacher to be struck for sex with 15yo

Post by JonnyHungwell »

She's a paedophile by common definition of the word. If it had been a 29 year old man and a 15 year old girl, he'd be in jail by now.
number 6
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Re: Female Teacher to be struck for sex with 15yo

Post by number 6 »

She is lucky to get away with just losing her job,she has had sex with a minor and as johnny said if it had been a 29 yr old guy the lynch mob would be after him.
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Re: Female Teacher to be struck for sex with 15yo

Post by Genie »

can't help but agree with the comments here.

interesting perspective re treatment of women in these cases, but then men will be more predatory.

I think the case of the school bus driver and the teacher who got caught out with an even younger girl, he went to prison and she lost her job, and the teacher's family were saying it was her dream job? one could understand the teacher's parents dilemna but they could hardly defend the actions!
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Re: Female Teacher to be struck for sex with 15yo

Post by eroticartist »

I think that fifteen year old boys should be allowed to have sex with whomever they want. The alternative is to masturbate frequently or should that be illegal too?
I wonder if you guys ever remember what is was like to be fifteen?
Mike Freeman.

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Re: Female Teacher to be struck for sex with 15yo

Post by Floydoid »

I tend to agree mate. The AoC is probably too high in this country, but that's a whole different debate.

Is it any wonder that the monkey's confused?
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Re: Female Teacher to be struck for sex with 15yo

Post by JonnyHungwell »

The AoC probably right, but a clause similar to the Canadian law could exempt those "close-in-age".

Definition: Beginning May 1, 2008, the age of sexual consent in Canada is 16 years old. The age of consent in Canada is the age at which the criminal law recognizes the legal capacity of a young person to consent to sexual activity. Under the Criminal Code of Canada anyone under the age of 16 cannot legally consent to any form of sexual activity, from kissing to intercourse. It means that adults are criminally liable if they have sex with someone under that age. The offence carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

The law has a "close-in-age" exemption of less than five years, which permits teens to engage in consensual sex with a partner who is less than five years older as long as the older partner is not in a position of trust or authority and the relationship is not exploitive.

The age of protection for exploitive sexual activity, such as sexual activity involving prostitution, pornography, or a relationship of trust, is 18. The age of consent for anal sex is also 18.

This teacher would fall foul of the law on two counts - firstly on the 14 year age gap and secondly by abusing her relationship of trust, seeing part of her contract as a teacher (whether stated explicitly or implicitly) is not to shag your students.
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Re: Female Teacher to be struck for sex with 15yo

Post by winchy »

Not true actually, a Peadophile is a person who can only achieve sexual arousal or gratification through sexual content with a child, most child abusers can manitain sexual relationships with adults so are not actually peadophiles.