Ross is finished says Wogan...

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Re: Ross is finished says Wogan...

Post by crofter »

Ross will either go to the States or Sky will try to poach him ....
reasons being:
a) they are the only UK TV Company that could pay him anywhere near what he is getting at the Beeb
b) anything that shows the slightest notion of being a ratings success they have to get their hands on at any cost

my money is on him taking the easy option and working for Sky and Graham Norton will effortlessly move into his dearly departed breeches to be "head man" at the BBC a position he seems destined for ...

PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
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Re: Ross is finished says Wogan...

Post by crofter »

yeah we definately DO KNOW that Graham Norton DID NOT SHAG Manuel's Grandaughter ... wonder if he has a Grandson though??

PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
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Re: Ross is finished says Wogan...

Post by max_tranmere »

Michael Parkinson commented today (Saturday). He said they were both out of order, and he was very critical of Brand saying it was inevitable he would come a cropper eventually. It was revealed in the coverage of that that Brand was sacked from MTV for turning up dressed as Osama Bin Laden on September 12th 2001 (one day after New York was hit). Anyone who behaves that way is bound to do something extreme again.
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Re: Ross is finished says Wogan...

Post by JonnyHungwell »

Even if Ross never worked again he'd still have the life of Riley. He'd end up having his contract paid by the BBC, via our TV Poll Tax, for the 3 years he signed up for - and that's ?18M. If he had to sell a few homes, a batch of cars and other stuff he would still be left sitting on a fortune he couldn't spend if he lived a quite luxurious lifestyle.

Nobody really needs ?6M a year. To spend that amount of money you need to squander most of it on rubbish - like paying trendy designers ?20,000 for a wacky pink suit, when you could just have nipped to TK Maxx and got something for ?80. Or buying antiques, paintings, classic cars, boats etc. - things that nobody really need.

There needs to be a mass revolt on paying the license - I for one never watch BBC TV ever, although I do listen to R2, R4 and WS. As an institution the BBC needs trimming back severely and should be funded directly from taxation if it is to continue.
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Re: Ross is finished says Wogan...

Post by catelover »

The whole TV licence debate is a tricky one....Yes, ?139.50 is a tad expensive to say the least, however, if the option is for the Beeb to turn into another ITV, then I'd much rather stick to the present.

Whatever people may say, the Beeb actually pisses all over its rivals in terms of quality TV and Radio...ITV is just a fucking embarrassment, I can honestly say I've not watched a programme on there for about the last 5 years, because it is so fucking bad...Channel 4, while producing the odd half decent show, seems too occupied with promoting reality Tv-style programmes, and also making 'stars' of tossers like Ramsey and Oliver....As for Sky?....Well apart from nicking a few decent US shows from its rivals, its own 'home-made' stuff is a fucking joke.

What is obvious from this whole 'Ross/Brand' scandal, is that certain media outlets have used it for its own self serving purposes, which was to give the Beeb a good shafting.....What is most scandalous, and indeed frightening, about it, is that a horrid, fascist, right-wing publication like the Daily Mail, now sees itself as some sort of moral guardian for the nation...and what is worse, is that folk on this site seem to support their campaign, even though if the Mail, and its likes, had their way, this type of website that we all post on, would be an immediate target for their self righteous rantings...!adolf!
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Re: Ross is finished says Wogan...

Post by dynatech »

Most comedy can be 'scandalous' when taken completely out of context, as this was. They might as well have taken Ross's appearence on Bo Selecta ('Bedtime with The Bear') from a few years and transcribed that to even greater 'Shock! Horror!' effect with their moronic curtain-twitching readership

This is all about 'revenge' - revenge for Ross's popularity and salary, and for Brand being clearly the worst nightmare of the typically small-minded Terry & June's from Tunbridge Wells who lap up the dictations of the favourite newspapers.

I can take or leave Brand myself, but with the unnecessary resignation of Lesley Douglas as the controller of the superb Radio's 2 & 6 I hope we don't end up with inferior and compromised stations - just because some dreadful newspaper stirred up their over-eager buffoon readership

They're locking them up today, they're throwing away the key...I wonder who it be tomorrow, you or me?
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Re: Ross is finished says Wogan...

Post by catelover »

I agree my opinion, the Daily Mail is more of a threat to our beloved 'society' than Ross, Brand, or any other edgy, controversial celeb could ever be.

It continually amazes me that people actually buy and read this rag....even Hitler would have been slightly embarrassed at his right-wing leanings..
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Re: Ross is finished says Wogan...

Post by max_tranmere »

catelover, you say Hitler might have been embarassed by the Mail's right-wing leanings. The paper was started by Nazi's back in the 1930's (fact).