Population of UK increases by 2 million...

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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by JB »

max_tranmere wrote:

> The British population has gone up by some 2 million in the
> last few years. This is because of mass immigration, foreign
> people having so many kids here, and fewer people dying. I am
> concerned for the future. The south-east of England is one of
> the most densely populated places on earth

Didn't a conservative think-tank say that people should abandon Northern cities and move to the South East?

The world's population is growing, Britain isn't alone in this. Compared to places like Syria (which is now full of Iraqi refugees, our fault) and Iran (which is now full of Afghan refugees, our fault), our immigration is pretty lightweight - especially now so many Polish workers can't find work and are heading back home again.

If we go into a recession, we'll even find our population reducing as Brits go to find work overseas. I prefer to live in a country that people want to come to, not a country that people want to leave.

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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by Mike_CFC »

It still has'nt sunk in with the government and the PC brigade,including some bods on this forum,that Britain is full and we should close our borders to immigrants NOW.We can't do nothing about the immigrants already over here,providing they're working and respecting our laws and culture.

Alot of people and families are suffering because of this.English/British kids are struggling to be put into schools and people are finding it difficult to seek employment because firms,mostly corparate firms prefer to employ immigrants because it's 'cost effective',while the fat cats revel in their bonuses.IT MAKES ME SICK TO THE BACK TEETH!!!!!

Whatever happened to Great Britain eh?.

This blokes posts may contain strong language and may cause offence.
But do i give a fuck!!!!.
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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by JB »

Mike_CFC wrote:

> It still has'nt sunk in with the government and the PC
> brigade,including some bods on this forum,that Britain is full

Is it? Define full.

I remember people saying the same thing in the 70s, but somehow we managed to squeeze in another 15 million-odd people since then, and nobody's fallen off the edge AFAIK.

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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by max_tranmere »

It is hard to define 'full', but one way could be when things start to seem stretched - like the housing stock, the ability of schools and hospitals to cope, and the transport networks as well. Theoretically, the whole of the UK could become as densely built up as Manhatten or Hong Kong, with just a few large parks here and there, and only then will it be full. But that would be ridiculous. We are 'full' as far as the definition I've just given would equate it.
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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by JB »

max_tranmere wrote:

> It is hard to define 'full', but one way could be when things
> start to seem stretched - like the housing stock, the ability
> of schools and hospitals to cope, and the transport networks as
> well. Theoretically, the whole of the UK could become as
> densely built up as Manhatten or Hong Kong, with just a few
> large parks here and there, and only then will it be full. But
> that would be ridiculous. We are 'full' as far as the
> definition I've just given would equate it.

That's reasonable... but then "full" is a variable thing. The health waiting lists are lower than they were 10 years ago, and school class sizes are also lower, so therefore we're less full than we were in 1997!

Congestion is a real problem, but only because 40 years of governments fucked up the rail system - not much to do with immigration.

TBH I doubt this "problem" will last much longer unless our economy picks up soon.

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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by Jabba »

No people have fallen off the edge no, but the UK plant and wildlife populations have plummeted. This is with just 60 million people in the country. When the population is 80 million just about all native plant and wildlife will be extinct.

The current population crash of bees could be a real problem - with no pollination it's going to be incredibly hard to feed 80 million people.
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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by Stewie_McGriffin »

Stewie. The population HAS increased by 2m over the last 6 years. These are official Government figures released today. It's been reported on the news a lot this evening, and has been announced online too.

You ask why I dont move myself. I don't want to as I come from this country, just like countless generations of my family before me. I'm staying put. It is not written in any of the racial equality legislation that one has to see their own way of life, culture, heritage, history, traditions, etc, be hugely altered, in some cases heavily eroded or eradicated, and one must like it. It is the huge changes that are going on as so many immigrants refuse to assimilate that means all these changes to our way of life.

So what do you define as a "British" way of life then? A typical Friday night for instance?

A few Beers (originally found in a 7000yr old urn from Iran), maybe a few cigarettes (invented in the Americas and brought over by Francis Drake). Maybe a curry (India/Asia), pizza (Italy) or kebab (Turkey/Greece.) How about some wine (France), to go with the pasta (Italy again).

Maybe go for a drive (likely built by anything but a British company).

Or the gym (Ancient Romans invented this too.)

It seems a little extreme to suggest that your way of life is being threatened when without outside help our way of life wouldn't exist at all.

I'd love to stay and chat but you're a total bitch.
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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by JonnyHungwell »

I drive a Japanese car, but we don't have (or need) half a million of them over here to make them. A lot of our culture these days is imported from America, but we don't have mass immigration from the US. So we don't need 2 million Indians, Pakistanis, Africans or whatevers. from outside the EU, to enjoy a curry - a few selected immigrants could easily pass on the knowledge.
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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million to 61m

Post by sparky »

When I was at school 30ish years ago the UK population was around 55 million.
Officially it has increased by over 10% to just 25,000 under 61m.
So in reality it is well over 61million.

Look too at the current birth statistics.
Almost 25% of births to immigrant mothers, and look at the percentage in some areas, yet many of these will be classed as British Citizens
Then these mothers average over 2.5 child births while mothers classed as British average just under 1.8 births.

In most towns one or more substantial areas that were open land on the fringe 10 years ago has been built on.
In my local area despite two new estates of several hundred houses and many smaller developments government policy says there must be more houses again built in the next few years.
The secondary school I went to has been demolished replaced by a multi-story building with a substantial area sold and and estate of family houses built. The new school is already short of space due to the significant increase number of families living in the new houses and other nearby substantial developments.

While one hospital has been redeveloped and expanded another has been closed (and well over 100 houses built on the site) and a third reduced to outpatients and minor injuries with the main building converted to retirement apartments.
Similarly there has been no new electricity feed, gas main, water main or sewerage system but areas and houses have been flooded that historically never did.

Also in 30 years UK manufacturing and food production has significantly declined as imports including energy have increased making us far less independent and more susceptible to changes around the world. Locally the biggest employer of several thousand 20 years ago along with other companies employing several hundred has closed. Yes there are a couple of new business parks and a third being constructed but they certainly do not employ anywhere near to the same number of people.

Generally our infrastructure has not expanded to match the demand.
Yes the road network has improved but remember around 25% of ever larger lorries are moving food around due to the decline in local or even regional production and processing. Also far more people are travelling much further to work too and due to a decline in skills the customer base of companies is spread further away from their headquarters.
We are being encouraged to reduce our use of fuel so reducing emissions of pollution yet there is no policy to encourage local manufacturing and hence employment.

I shudder to think how Britain will be in another 50 years.

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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million to 61m

Post by Peter »

sparky wrote:

> I shudder to think how Britain will be in another 50 years.

Your major worry for now would be Turkey getting into the EU.
We have need of you again, great king.