Why "sex crimes" should be abolished

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Re: Why "sex crimes" should be abolished

Post by Mike_CFC »

Whoever agrees that sex crimes should be abolished should be hung themselves.

Bastards like Paul Gadd,Ian Huntly and other scum of their ilk would swing if i had my way.And rapists and women beaters would face VERY long term hardships at HM's pleasure as well.

We are too soft.Again we can thank the PC brigade and the pond life that sympathise with nonces and rapists !whistle!

This blokes posts may contain strong language and may cause offence.
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Post by Pervert »

"It was about this time that the age of consent was raised to sixteen by the early feminist movement"----and how did the early feminist movement manage that without women having the vote?

"On the other hand there should be no censorship for adults in a democratic society and if officers of the law and other government officials can download such images without committing an offence so should the people because the people are entitled to see what is already extant in the world. If it is legal for a person to look at images of people who have been murdered, beheaded for example which is barbaric and a heinous crime against humanity then why not images of all crimes so that we may judge them for ourselves?"---and now we get to the heart of the matter. Poor Mikey is jealous of the police and legal authorities who get to watch the sexual abuse of children when he is, because of a petty thing called the law, precluded from doing so under fear of prosecution. Some might argue that one's moral compass would be reason enough not to want to watch such stuff, or a sense of horror at what is being perpetrated on the victims. Ah, but the Freeman is made of sterner stuff. How selfless of him to put himself through such filth for the sake of freedom.

Like Sam, and Alice, and the others, I have read this rambling piece of excrement; and, as predicted, I am unable to make a point-by-point demolition of it because I am so angry.

Justify yourself as best you can, but it just smacks of Gadd's pathetic "I've been set up" and "I was only teaching them English."

As for the stuff about doing away with the term "sexual crime" in the law because it might cloud the issue for judges and juries, complete fucking nonsense. Women who make false rape allegations are scum who are betraying their own gender. It is considered that those rape cases who go to trial are the tip of the iceberg, and very few of them lead to conviction. How many incidents go unreported? How many women have to live with the memory of their attack every day of their lives, knowing that no one would believe them if they reported it, knowing there is only a small chance of their attacker being brought to justice---and knowing that they will have to relive their ordeal again and again in giving evidence while a vicious defence counsel tries to tear the fabric of her life in public?

There is nothing new in being disgusted by you, Mr Freeman. Being disgusted by this site is something I've experienced before, usually when the OT is going through its occasional flirtation with the "send them back" brigade. But this is the end.
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Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Why "sex crimes" should be abolished

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

If you want evidence why 14 year olds arent mature enough to make decisions for themselves then read this case

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Re: Why "sex crimes" should be abolished

Post by JB »

I don't normally read such long posts but I decided to in this case. Much of the post is articulate, the background is interesting and it's clear to me (although I didn't read the earlier posts) that Mike is NOT condoning rape or child abuse.

But I really don't follow the reasoning at all. A rape can be carried out under the verbal or implied threat of violence, using blackmail or where a person has a great psychological hold over their victim. It can be carried out simply because the victim is frightened of what might happen if they resist. This can mean that no violence is used, and possibly no major law is broken - except the law against rape.

IMHO rape is a specific crime. It can't be made a sub-genre of some other crime. Like Mike, I have issue with many of the laws that restrict our liberties, specifically regarding the control of personal choices over sex and drugs. But the rape law is just, should stay, and should be better enforced than it currently is to ensure higher conviction rates.

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Re: Why "sex crimes" should be abolished

Post by eroticartist »

Steve R,
No you are right that would not be my intention but as I have stated the usual sentence for such crimes would be aggravated by the fact that the victim had been forced to have sex against her will and this would attract a longer sentence to decided by the judge. The finding that violence had been used would be the only thing for the jury to consider.
Mike Freeman.

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Re: Why "sex crimes" should be abolished

Post by clare40dd »

14 years of age am i missing something 14 is still a child in my eyes

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Steve R
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Re: Why "sex crimes" should be abolished

Post by Steve R »

It should be noted that the age of consent in Spain and Japan is 13.

The age of consent is 14 in Germany, Austria, Italy, Portugal, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Kosovo and Serbia. It is also 14 in China and in most of South America.

Interestingly, although the age of consent in Cyprus is 17, a boy as young as 13 may have anal intercourse with a woman.

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Re: Why "sex crimes" should be abolished

Post by dynatech »

Funny how supposed pornographers & porn enthusiasts have fallen for the media trick of branding what are (apparantly, who has seen them for I haven't?) pictures of child abuse and not pornography - thus alining all that shit with what are (for the moment anyway) perfectly natural & legal interests, ones that we all share.

Sorry to interupt this thread with a comment neutral to the Mike Freeman Hate debate, but you all need to check this - otherwise everytime the paedo-debate is aired you are all guilty of gifting it a link to your own interest/livelihood, something that is both foolish & counter-productive

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