Congratulations Mods!

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Congratulations Mods!

Post by colonel »

The free-thinking and intelligent Members of this Forum are, I am sure, grateful that warrenzevonrip, aka rainstoppedplay aka wankezwr has been reminded in no uncertain terms that he is banned from this site.

Lets be honest here. Warren seeks to do one thing and one thing alone- smash this site into competing cliques and then stand and gloat at the damage he has wreaked. I don't think he likes the concept of porn- he may well be a mole of some form seeking to break up this Forum and the fun we have.

Don't get me wrong. No one else needs to be banned and I have a very broad back. Maybe on here I need to.

But I know this. I will work tirelessly to keep the bullying away, to keep free speech on here and to fight off the people who would do this Forum down.

The Mods aren't stupid- they know well the havoc that Warren and his ilk want to cause. What his actions won't do, his ego duly will. I support them 100 per cent, and I hope I always will. I hope we all do.

Every time Warren or a proxy or a sockpuppet tries to post on here and begin the process of breaking this Forum up, he will be banned yet again. The excitable boy may well one day learn.
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Re: Congratulations Mods!

Post by Pervert »

"Ohh, sir, please sir!"
The Worlds Biggest Collector Of Ben Dover DVD`s
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Re: Congratulations Mods!

Post by colonel »

Caradog mate, I have never had a problem with you.

You appear to be setting yourself up as a Warren clone or acolyte. You are mate- not me and not the Mods.

You know the position of this Forum. Now mate- Warren has nearly finished this Forum off- leave the sinking ship before people start thinking you might just be a rat.
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Re: Congratulations Mods!

Post by Pervert »

Leave the "mate" out of it. Do I wish to be considered a mate of someone who has only two jokes (accusing folk of being gay, and pushing that tired old nag about dead drummers)?

People can think what they like about me, or you, or anyone else. Free speech, democracy and so on. Hypocrisy is a different matter.

Anyway, I'm sure you've got a prefect's badge to polish, so I'll let you get on. No hidden meaning, by the way.
The Worlds Biggest Collector Of Ben Dover DVD`s
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Mighty Magoo and Lizard

Post by colonel »

For the record, I like Magoo.

He is a decent guy and a fair man.

Mods- I know he was a bad boy. I feel he may know too. But I hope you give him a second chance sometime. It would be good to have him on here.

You find out who your friends and colleagues are in strange ways sometimes. All praise Liz as well- I can even find a soft spot for Dibble.

I went for dinner and then down the pub. Er- it was a Saturday night. Am I not allowed to do that?
Sam Slater
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Re: Congratulations Mods!

Post by Sam Slater »

Why did you feel the need for this thread, gloating, hours after Wazza was escorted out of the building?

I mean, you talk of causing trouble, but what's the purpose of this thread exactly?

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Congratulations Mods!

Post by colonel »

Why do you feel the need to link yourself to Warren over and over again? And then accuse me of 'gloating' when I have my say?

No one owns this board- so why stop me from thanking people keen to end disruption of this board?
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Re: Congratulations Mods!

Post by colonel »

I'm sorry Caradog. Really sorry.

For years on here I thought you were a free-thinking kind of guy. And you were just Warren's frontman and secretary all along.

I'd like to unreservedly apologise for thinking that you were all right and talked sense.

Don't worry mate- we can all see what you are like now.
Sam Slater
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Re: Congratulations Mods!

Post by Sam Slater »

You've not answered my questions, but I'll answer yours because I have nothing to hide, nor am I a coward.

[quote]Why do you feel the need to link yourself to Warren over and over again?[/quote]

I could say the same thing about you! I think that if you look back through the archives, I've only defended his position when I've felt the need to. I've never brought his name up for no reason, unlike you.

[quote]And then accuse me of 'gloating' when I have my say?[/quote]

Well, it is gloating isn't it? If it isn't then, I ask you again: why the need for the thread? He was kicked out over 6 hours ago now.

[quote]why stop me from thanking people keen to end disruption of this board?[/quote]

I'm not stopping you, and cannot stop you. Another false accusation. I'm questioning your motives and the need for this thread. When magoo got kicked out, after our row, I didn't start a sarcastic thread, congratulating the mods, and never felt the urge to. I'm just curious as to why we acted so different under similar circumstances.

I'm also wondering why you accuse people of being Wazza clones, or that they may not be free-thinking, or intelligent, just because they have a different view on a forumite from you?

So, I've answered your questions as best as I could; I'm a gent afterall; can you do the same?

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Congratulations Mods!

Post by randyandy »

