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Post by JonnyHungwell »

Illegal downloads just don't seem criminal to your average punter, that's a fact. Most people wouldn't rob a petrol station or mug a granny, but d/l a mocie or a bit of music just seems ok, seeing you probably wouldn't have forked out the asking price anyway for the legit bit of material.

Most people take the view that you buy what you really want at over inflated prices - and then anything that comes for free is an offset or a bonus, mostly stuff you would never have paid for anyway.

I don't really see anything wrong in d/l or ripping off material that out government forbids on these shores - although is generally available everywhere else in the world. If you want the full version of a movie, but BBFC have cut a minute or two, then feel free to get it from elsewhere for free is my view. I want the full version or no version.
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Post by crofter »

I think some of the big Studios or American TV stations actually LEAK some of their output onto the torrent sites themselves, this way if it is any good the word of mouth travels across the internet leading to hugely increased sales/viewing figures ... unfortunately if it is shite then they are snookered.

In the case of Lost I don't have Sky and cannot get Sky because of where I live so that is the ONLY way of keeping up to date with the show ... I am willing to bet that more people download it in the UK than actually watch it on Sky.

PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
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Post by michaeldon1 »

When I started this thread,I thought I'd get one or two responces,but this seems to be an important topic...but with copy right it has to be total or nothing...We all understand that the makers of,films,music and pictures have to have their creative property rights protected..but where do you draw the are posted in this forum,do the posters all have permission to post those pics,probably not,should we turn them in to criminals and close this site????
and if you say a pic isn't the same as a movie tell that to the photographer/model who owns the copy right...If thepiratebay,broke the laws then it was right to be shut down....but it's American counter parts are all still operating...
one eyed jack
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Post by one eyed jack »

Wow ! I love this. Still more justification for theft.

If it makes you feel better guys I have downloaded some tv shows that were not available here at the time. Yeah sure I went onto by the dvd box sets because I liked them and wanted to own them and watch them properly on my tv but does that still make it right?

There are a whole lot of people that wont join in by commenting because they know what they are...Freeloaders but just dont want to admit it.

Why dont you guys just admit it is wrong instead of trying to find reasons to justify it. It was there for free so you took advantage of it.

Plain and simple.

Crofter may well be right. When Reservoir Dogs was banned and Tarantino was asked at a signing at Tower Records in London what he thought about it. He loved the fact that people were watching this movie despite the fact it was in limbo with the BBFC because of the ear cutting scene.
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Post by michaeldon1 »

So what your saying is it's always wrong to download off the net?????
Are you casting the first stone to those that do?????
There's nothing worse than a smoker who's quit......hehehehe,I'm lovin this
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Post by Jacques »

Why has nobody mentioned the banned list?

You know them OEJ, as you are on them, as is many of the 'Cartel'.

quis custodiet ipsos custodes
one eyed jack
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Post by one eyed jack »

I'm loving this too Michael. Ive already said my hands are as dirty as the next man and probably a lot of other people too but lets stick to specifics.

I'm not saying its right.

However the kind of file sharing that should be going on should not be commercial product that belongs to those who are being robbed of revenue for people like us doing so.

Oh and by the way..I dont smoke.

Cartel Jacques??? What cartel??? Banned list?? Please explain.
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Post by Bravo »

I love downloading films, fights &'s wrong but hey they are worst things in the world to worry about!
Deuce Bigolo
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Post by Deuce Bigolo »

I've heard there are plans to move towards somehow paying copyright owners via ISPs for the number of downloads of their product,who in turn will pass the costs onto consumers.

Would seem to at least redress the current free for all which sees industries at the risk of shrinking and costing a lot of innocent people their livelyhoods

While software exists that allows individuals to so easily share their bought collections for free freeloading/sharing is never going to end so the sooner the above path is taken the better

Sure you can go after the real criminal operations or individuals who share ridiculous amounts of content but you will pay a high price if you go after everyone ie via ISP 3 strikes and your out
Steve R
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Post by Steve R »

Well, the only things I download are pre-1970 horror movies, so I'm not ripping-off the people who made them.
