Road Taxes - Green Dave Sticks it to Broon

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Re: Road Taxes - Green Dave Sticks it to Broon

Post by Welshman »

Whatever your politics (and being from South Wales tradition says I have to be Labour through and through) you always need a change of thought at the top now and again.

I read a comment that somewhere that said governments are usually elected during a crisis and voted out during a crisis. Maybe we've just reached that time?
Sam Slater
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Re: Road Taxes - Green Dave Sticks it to Broon

Post by Sam Slater »

If we really wanted a change then surely the LibDems would be the better option.

Personally, I think that while Labour is slowly moulding into Conservatism, Cameron is moulding into Blair.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Road Taxes - Green Dave Sticks it to Broon

Post by dynatech »

Unfortunately it is down to this: who gets elected will be the one seen as the lesser evil, no more no less. 'Vision' no longer comes into it. This current recession may well prove to be unmanageable anyway, but in a country were businesses are shutting down in their droves due to increased taxation making profit nigh on impossible people are (at long last, bit late though) no longer prepared to accept lame excuses from the very people who have caused it.
And as for this 'green' bullshit, I'd be more inclined to sacrifice a nice motor if our friends in America, Australasia & many closer neighbours were also governed by the same rules but as we know this isn't so

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Re: Road Taxes - Green Dave Sticks it to Broon

Post by planeterotica »

This country is in more shite than you think mainly down to Gordon Brown he led us into this present economic dowturn and he has no intention of getting us out of it and i can tell you why, Brown knows he has little chance of winning a general election so he will sit out the next two years just taxing us to the hilts and fucking up the economy because the last thing he would wish to do is to leave green Dave a healthy economy, and dont think of a leadership challenge against Brown by his own party because if he was ousted it would mean that we had another unelected PM and two in a row would not be tolerated, im afraid we have two years of shite ahead of us and they will try and push through as many of their petty little laws as they can before they spend the next ten years in the wilderness !sad!

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Re: Road Taxes - Green Dave Sticks it to Broon

Post by Peter »

Jonone wrote:

> So rather than be elected on the strength of his vision and the
> coherence and value of his party's policies you're proposing
> that he be elected merely because he might be better than what
> we have ? Where is Dave's vision ?

It is usually the case that the government loses an election, rather than the opposition wins it.

So the Tories will probably win on an 'anything's better than Labour' basis.
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Post by Pervert »

Did you do that in one breath???
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Sam Slater
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Re: Road Taxes - Green Dave Sticks it to Broon

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]Brown knows he has little chance of winning a general election so he will sit out the next two years just taxing us to the hilts and fucking up the economy because the last thing he would wish to do is to leave green Dave a healthy economy,[/quote]

Why would the PM purposely sabotage the economy just to get one over on Cameron?

1. Whatever you think about politicians, I don't think they fuck around with economies.

2. Even if he thinks he'll be off at the next election, it's more likely he'd want to leave a legacy rather than be deemed a muppet.

3. Surely once the economy is in deep shit, the only way is up - paving the way for the next government to look like the saviours? If he wanted to get one over on a rival you give him/her the reigns of the economy at a peak, knowing you can point to the inevitable downturn as your rivals fault.

After only 5 seconds of thought, your theory seems a bit daft.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Road Taxes - Green Dave Sticks it to Broon

Post by planeterotica »

Sam Slater wrote:

After only 5 seconds of thought, your theory seems a bit daft.
planeterotica wrote:

No Sam you are wrong, my thoughts go back to 1997 when i voted for this load of shite and what a big mistake that was, they took over a good economy from John Major which was just luck on his part becausae he had no policies other than watching cricket, Brown will cling to power as long as he can to save face as Bliar did say off the cuff that Gordon would be a disaster, which of course he is !thumbsdown!

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Re: Road Taxes - Green Dave Sticks it to Broon

Post by randyandy »

Officer Dibble wrote:

> Who knows what the future holds? Green Dave might prove to be
> no better than Broon - though I'm certain the political
> emphasis would be a little more to my liking. On the other
> hand, he could prove to be the best thing since sliced bread.
> We won't know till we give him a go.
When you say a little more to my liking Dibbs are you referring to the hug a hoodie policy or the be green ride your bike and let your driver follow you in your car with your briefcase policy?

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Re: Road Taxes - Green Dave Sticks it to Broon

Post by randyandy »

Officer Dibble wrote:

> Maybe he is. But if he can remove Broon and Co. from the levers
> of power, then that's all that really matters to many folks.
> Cameron can be as smug as he likes, so long as he's not
> queering my pitch.

Sums it all up.

When he does get in and does introduce a policy that does start "queering your pitch" I hope you won't mind being reminded should you rant about it.

I actually thought going by your views on chavs that Green Dave's hug a hoodie policy was against your 'pitch'. Could you enlighten us with what your 'pitch' is please?

Here's a link that may help:
