Whites are main victims of racist murders

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Sam Slater
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Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Post by Sam Slater »

Why is it alarming that black murderers kill more white folk than black? If you're a murderer -regardless of colour- then there are 9 times more 'white' victims to choose from, than black victims.

If 9 out of 10 cars were red, and you were a car thief, then you'd nick more red cars than.....green.

Simple maths.

As for deciding between racially motivated crimes to non-racially motivated crimes: you have a point. Alas the title of this thread is a flaming title because that report zoomraker linked to doesn't distinguish between racial/non-racial crimes.

I reiterate: I'm not arguing with the report, only the title of the thread.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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FAO Terry and Mike

Post by colonel »

Terry- I grew up with Black and Asian kids. I know a lot of 'people of colour'. Race relations is more complicated than the Guardianistas would have you believe; but one thing where we are all united is No To Racism and Fascism.

Terry and Mike- I agree with you. A thread like this can be inquisitive or it can be divisive. I notice zoomraker is not a regular poster on here; and very rarely starts threads. I doubt whether the 'regulars' on here would have done so.
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Re: FAO Terry and Mike

Post by Mike_CFC »

Like i said colonel,i'm no fence sitter,but i do have my limits and i ain't touching this thread with a barge pole.

colonel wrote:

> Terry- I grew up with Black and Asian kids. I know a lot of
> 'people of colour'. Race relations is more complicated than the
> Guardianistas would have you believe; but one thing where we
> are all united is No To Racism and Fascism.
> Terry and Mike- I agree with you. A thread like this can be
> inquisitive or it can be divisive. I notice zoomraker is not a
> regular poster on here; and very rarely starts threads. I doubt
> whether the 'regulars' on here would have done so.

This blokes posts may contain strong language and may cause offence.
But do i give a fuck!!!!.
Sam Slater
Posts: 11624
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Re: FAO Terry and Mike

Post by Sam Slater »

What you scared of, Mike?

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: FAO Terry and Mike

Post by colonel »

Mike is trying to pour oil on troubled waters, Sam.

Not petrol.
Sam Slater
Posts: 11624
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: FAO Terry and Mike

Post by Sam Slater »

I don't understand.

Why would Mike think that airing his views would be akin to 'pouring petrol' on troubled waters? (if that indeed is his worry).

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Bob Singleton
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Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Post by Bob Singleton »

one eyed jack wrote:

> Come to think of it, do any of you here know anyone of colour
> at all? It seems whenever threads come up like this that
> statistics are quoted and discussed as if you dont actually no
> anyone ethnic and I'm not taking about the geezer that fixes
> your car or the coloured chap in D Section.
> I'm talking that you actually know.
> I wouldnt accuse anyone of not having anyone but white friends
> as a racist but I would say you were insular and therefore not
> the best of people to make incendiary comments from what you
> see on the news and media in general. Thats almost painting
> yourselves to be whiter than white.
> How would one feel if I came up on here and said that whites
> are mainly known to be peadophiles? Not that being a kiddy
> fiddler is indigenous to just one race but thats mainly what i
> see in the media and thats the problem with threads like this.
> We all see what we want to see. If you guys really do know in
> terms of having and knowing several friends of different shades
> you will understand that people are the ones that present
> problems. Their colour is circumstantial.

Hear Hear!!!

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Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Post by Pervert »

Why the hell do we allow these subhuman BNP-supporting scum to push their messages of hate on here and expect only Terry to be cool, calm and sensible enough to destroy their arguments.

Crime is crime, whoever is committing it, whoever is the victim of it. Bringing race into it is irrelevant unless, as in some cases, a victim is chosen purely because of their ethnicity.

I don't have any close friends who are black, or of Indian sub-continent origin, or far easten, or east European, or white Anglo-Saxon Protestant American for that matter. Skin colour is no justification for hate. I've said before, I can find reasons to dislike people easily enough: attitudes, political agenda, how they treat others. If I ever start using pathetic excuses like race or ethnicity, sex or sexual persuasion, religion, then I will sign up for the BNP (shortly after scooping my brain out with a spoon).
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Officer Dibble
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Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Why is it alarming that black murderers kill more white folk than black? If you're a murderer -regardless of colour- then there are 9 times more 'white' victims to choose from, than black victims."


Officer Dibble

Officius Dibblus est amplus amor deus
