What the fuck is going on...

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What the fuck is going on...

Post by Impish »

...with that poor woman in Sudan??
Somehow calling a teddy (yes a teddy) Mohammed has managed to upset muslims and she has been charged with inciting hatred and insulting religion.
Now I think that is ridiculous and it hardly endears people to the muslim religion.
I doubt that there is any muslims who visit this site but if there is can you justify this please 'cos I am really fucking angry about it and I dont even know the woman involved.

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Re: What the fuck is going on...

Post by Trumpton »

Apparently it was her school class who named the teddy 'Mohammed', then she finds herself being arrested!!

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Re: What the fuck is going on...

Post by steve56 »

Agree its mad.
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Re: What the fuck is going on...

Post by Lizard »

Yes. lets bomb the shit out of them. Ok, thats a bit harsh maybe, I,m sure the Sudanese authorities will see sense, she was out there trying to make a difference.....as well !

Nah, Lets bomb the shit out of them anyway.

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Re: What the fuck is going on...

Post by Peter »

So now they're charging her.

Time for an SAS outing, i think.
We have need of you again, great king.
Officer Dibble
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Re: What the fuck is going on...

Post by Officer Dibble »

"lets bomb the shit out of them. Ok, thats a bit harsh maybe"

Oh, I don't know.

"I,m sure the Sudanese authorities will see sense,"

You reckon? I'm not so sure, Liz. It's looks to me like they are a mediaeval, unenlightened nation of backward people who are strangers to reason and rationality. So t' fuck wiv 'em!

What?s the silly cow doing there anyway? If she wants to make a difference why isn't she tackling illiteracy in some chavy sink school in the UK? We've got loads of kids who need teaching properly here. Why the fuck did she have to go to the Sudan - apart from the fact that she thought it would be much more glamorous than Hackney and would allow her to feel all the more smug and morally superior to working with boring backward students in the grey UK? It's not about the Sudanese kids, it's about her. It'll fucking serve her right if she gets a hundred lashes. Let's see her write to The Guardian to praise the wonderful work of the Sudanese government (in the light of globalisation and imperialist oppression) after that!

Officer Dibble

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everyone knows.......

Post by FootPlay »

It shouldn't be called a Teddy - it was a Gollywog!!

Dave Wells
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Re: What the fuck is going on...

Post by Dave Wells »

Brown should threaten to nuke the wankers unless they release the poor woman but he won't of course.
Dave Wells

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Re: What the fuck is going on...

Post by Jacques »

Everybody knows someone called Mohammed, so why can you call someone Mohammed but not a Teddy bear Mohammed?

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