How can they justify a 25% mark-up on the cost of the same ticket from the venue Box Office?
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Re: Ticketmaster
They don't need to justify it, they just charge it.
Re: Ticketmaster
aaaaah your classes never end Zippy. I'm bringing headphones to the next class and a zip dick full of oggs.
quis custodiet ipsos custodes
Re: Ticketmaster
How can they justify a 25% mark-up on any product? Although in some cases 25% is deemed a negligible amount.
Re: Ticketmaster
The 'too expensive, don't buy' mantra is one which I've been telling people about for years, but still they buy at the inflated prices, or just ignore me!
Re: Ticketmaster
The wisdom of Zippy. You really are to this forum as McDonalds Certified Chef is to fine cuisine.
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