Broadcast Censor Strikes Again!

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Broadcast Censor Strikes Again!

Post by Jock »

Found on Melonfarmers, reproduced with permission of OP:-

The great moral guardian of the airwaves strikes again!

‘Ofcon’ fines Xplicitxxx ?35,000 for the heinous crime of broadcasting ‘R18 or equivalent material’:-

How much more does it take for the adult channels to ‘grow a pair’, say enough is enough, and stand up to these censors?

I guess, a lot more, just look at item four on page one:-

"…DPTC admitted breaching the code and that it had accepted the seriousness of the `offence` and (this is particularly good) did not condone the broadcast of R-18 material"
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Re: Broadcast Censor Strikes Again!

Post by baggieb »

So this "member of the public" who complained has paid to watch this channel in the hope of seeing something naughty they can tell Ofcom about.

How sad !hmmm!
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Re: Broadcast Censor Strikes Again!

Post by planeterotica »

And this was a girl performing solo with a dildo, the fine would have been through the roof it it had been a girl doing anal !sad!

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Re: Broadcast Censor Strikes Again!

Post by mrmcfister »

Goes to show what a total waste of your hard earned these pathetic channels all are.I am amazed that they get any customers.Reminds me of that Birmingham City Chairman (can't recall his name)..made a fortune in the 1970s ripping off punters ...
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Re: Broadcast Censor Strikes Again!

Post by Robches »

He answers to slug.
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Re: Broadcast Censor Strikes Again!

Post by Scaramanga »

Just a thought like, but it may have been a rival channel.
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Re: Broadcast Censor Strikes Again!

Post by Jacques »

It was talked about on a certain board at the time of broadcast. This certain board is frequented by John "Concentration Camp" Beyer.

I don't want to start the "Grassy Knoll Posse" off again but I'd put money on him being responsible.

Then again these channels get what they deserve - spineless and conning Joe Punter for years. Fuck 'em.
quis custodiet ipsos custodes