Goodbye England

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Re: Goodbye England

Post by eroticartist »

Hi Keith,

Exactly and if you go into a NHS hospital you have a one in ten chance of dying of something that you never had when you went there! Want to play Russian roulette with a revolver with one chamber loaded out of ten? I keep fit and never visit doctors. If your not your own doctor by the time you are thirty then you will be killed by one.

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Re: Goodbye England

Post by eroticartist »

No I am afraid I do not.
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Re: Goodbye England

Post by eroticartist »

C J,

There are few British pornographers who were locked up for making porn featuring consenting adults. Other than me, John Lynsay and Lyndsay Honey [AKA Ben Dover]. There are others that I don't know of I am sure.

I learnt my lesson in the Sixties and paid the OPS[Obscene Publications Squad]. Then I got caught smuggling English porn through Schipol airport.
A gutless individual who worked for me grassed me up to the Dutch police. This sparked an Interpol enquiry that lead to the "fall of Scotland Yard." Two porn squad detectives went to prison even though I refused to give evidence against them.

A contract was placed on my head and taken up by a well known Soho gangster. To cut a long story short I killed him, got lifeand served ten years. Being a pornographer in times of prohibition and corruption sometimes is hazardous!

dom number one
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Re: Goodbye England

Post by dom number one »

What a great story Mike, i wish you hadnt cut that short!
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Re: Goodbye England

Post by c.j.jaxxon »

That old rap song by Cypress Hill comes to mind. "How I Could Just Kill A Man". I figured you'd get him before he got you. Interesting story though. Well you , Ben Dover and a few others are still putting out porn so I guess y'all been doing it out of England anyway. Right? Or has England slacked up on their laws a little?
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Re: Goodbye England

Post by eroticartist »

You attempt to speak on my behalf. Let me correct your assumptions. The four points should read as follows.

1 Legalisation of all pornography featuring consenting adults who do not suffer any permanent bodily harm.
2.The legalisation of all drugs with the proviso that the state educates the citizen about any dangerous side effects.
3.The right of all homeowners to defend their persons and home against any criminals using whatever force the homeowners feel is appropriate.
4.Totally intolerant of all religious education for children replacing religious education with the the history of all religions.
Mike Freeman.
Sam Slater
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Re: Goodbye England

Post by Sam Slater »

Ok, you 'dressed up' your points in a different way. Thats not to say I mis-quoted you. The only point I agree with you on, is the freedom to express yourself in relation to creating pornography, and the distribution of your work. (within reason). We may have different views on some subjects, but I really do wish you well.

PS. Does this new European country have these agendas -you specified- in place Mike?

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Goodbye England

Post by eroticartist »

What is tolerated, and what is not, is not always synonymous with the law.
For example cannabis is illegal in the Netherlands!
You did misquote me. If you want to quote me,do so from my posts. Just cut and paste it.